---------- Mensagem encaminhada ----------
De: "Bernard Sadaka" <sdkaaa@gmail.com>
Data: 11/10/2012 04:25
Assunto: [igcbp-talk] IGF 2012: Call for Remote Hubs
Para: <igcbp-talk@googlegroups.com>

Dear All,

As we approach the IGF 2012 meeting, which is being held on 6-9 November 2012 in Baku, Azerbaijan, the IGF Secretariat will once again be providing remote participation facilities this year.

Many of us within the IGCBP community will not be able to attend and some of us would require to invite others to actively take part of the debates. Taking into consideration the importance of the global as well as local debates, the IGF Secretariat has issued a call for the setting up remote hubs in our countries/institutions as well as providing technical support in the form of training on the remote platform as well as email support.

So what are remote hubs?
A remote hub is a group of people (5 or more) with common interest in an IGF theme/session who gather in a room and remotely watch the video/audio and text of one or more of the workshops of the IGF in Baku as well as send their feedback via chat, audio and/or video.

What can you do to participate?
Should you have any question regarding remote participation, please do not hesitate to contact me at: bsadaka@unog.ch

Looking forward to your active engagement, feedback and participation.


More info:

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