Oi pessoal,

No contexto da pesquisa “Recursos educacionais abertos no Brasil: o campo, os recursos e sua apropriação em sala de aula”, promovida pela Ação Educativa e a Wikimedia, eu e o Lugusto começamos a trabalhar numa proposta pra participar desta conferência sobre educação aberta.

Parece ser um espaço interessante pra apresentar os resultados da pesquisa e compartilhar preocupações de professorxs, produtorxs e intelectuais brasileirxs sobre o tema.

Estamos rascunhando um texto em: https://br.wikimedia.org/wiki/Open_Education_Conference/2014. Como vocês verão, ele está dividido nos campos que devem ser preenchidos para a inscrição e no final deve ser revisado e traduzido ao inglês.

O prazo máximo para o envio é 25 de abril.

Convidamos a todxs a comentar e colaborar!

Um abraço

Em 19/03/14 13:43, Oona Castro escreveu:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Carolina Rossini <carolina.rossini@gmail.com>
Date: 19 March 2014 13:27
Subject: [REA] Fwd: 11th Annual Open Education Conference - Updates!
To: "rea-lista@googlegroups.com" <rea-lista@googlegroups.com>, "Grupo de interesse em conhecimento livre no Brasil, especialmente dados abertos" <okfn-br@lists.okfn.org>

chegou a hora de propor workshops!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Wiley <david.wiley@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 10:04 AM
Subject: 11th Annual Open Education Conference - Updates!
To: carolina.rossini@gmail.com

Call for Proposals, Keynotes, Leadership Summit, and more!
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11th Annual Open Education Conference 

November 19-21, 2014  ::  Washington, DC

It's that time of year - we're planning the 11th annual family reunion of the Open Education family, and we hope that you're planning for it, too. This update includes information about the Call for Proposals, Keynote Speakers, the OpenEd Leadership Summit, and special pricing for hotel rooms at the conference venue. Looking forward to seeing you in just a few months!  

David Wiley

Call for Proposals is Now Open!

The CFP submission process calls for tweet-sized abstracts and brief descriptions of 500 or fewer words. Learn more about the conference themes and then submit a proposal! Connect your content, research, tools, methods, advocacy, badges, policies, and other work with the rest of the field.

OpenEd Leadership Summit

This year's OpenEd Leadership Summit is convening June, 4-6 in Portland, Oregon. The Summit is a gathering of academic leaders, including Provosts, Deans, and Department Heads, who are using open education strategically to improve student success. Read the report from last year, and learn more about this year's Summit

Keynote Speakers

OpenEd14 is proud to present another incredible group of passionate, talented, inspiring keynote speakers. Larry Lessig, Heather Joseph, and John Wilbanks will set the tone each morning for an amazing conference. Learn more about this year's keynote speakers.

Conference Venue

The conference venue for OpenEd14 is the Hilton Crystal City in Arlington, Virginia. We've arranged a special rate of $149 per night for OpenEd14 attendees, but a limited number of rooms are available. Please reserve your room early to make sure you get the discounted rate!

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Carolina Rossini 
Project Director, Latin America Resource Center
Open Technology Institute
New America Foundation
skype: carolrossini

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