Foi enviado via OTRS da WMBr ao AffCom (juro que é aff que eles resumem), e o Bence já respondeu pedindo algum tempo para que eles consigam responder, e pediu que fizéssemos um resumo dos nossos avanços quanto a criação da associação no Meta. Na realidade acho que eles querem algum lugar para ler, então se fizermos no em inglês, também está dez.

I see that you have a beautiful website, but I also think that your detailed English summary would  be interesting

Eu falei que o faríamos assim que possível, e falei que nossa assembleia está marcada para dia 12 de outubro. Logo, essa avaliação tem caráter emergencial... ( depois eu vi que eu errei um monte no inglês. Ho Ho)

Lugares que é para atualizar e ( tem que Wikificar esse texto que está aqui em baixo e atualizar algumas coisas como as datas da assembleia e qual nossas previsões de começo, também é bom fazer uma versão em outras línguas desses links abaixo, já que só o estatuto tem em en )

Estou correndo hoje e acho que só fico online amanhã e ainda tem muita coisa para fazer na Wiki e para a WikiBrasil, então se alguém puder ajudar nisso eu fico muito grato, beijos.

1 The people behind this application
We are 18 identified people[2] (and 39 generally interested[3]) in different
projects and with different levels of activity. Most of us are more active in
pt.wikipedia. There are also contributors of pt.wikiversity, pt.wikiquote,
en.wikipedia, eo.wikipedia, other projects in Esperanto, and Wikimedia Commons. 10
of us already attended regional meetings, and 8 of us already attended Wikimania
or other international meetings (e.g. Iberocoop Conference). 8 of us are living in
São Paulo or in its neighbour cities.

2 Time path
In early 2008, the Brazilian community started a process for establishing a local
organization to promote the WMF projects within the country. In September of that
year, we submitted to the ChapCom a proposal for creating the chapter Wikimedia
Brasil, which was approved. Nevertheless, in the same year, the volunteers have
chosen not to establish a formal chapter in that time. The reasons were pointed
out in the Chapter Report 2008, but this discussion never ended.

In 2011, the whole Brazilian community has finally reached an agreement, in order
to create a minimum legal structure to support and expand our activities across
the country. Those activities will keep being freely created and driven by
volunteers, but with legal, institutional and financial support by WMBR Board.
With such model in mind, we have re-written our  bylaws, which is now completely
reviewed by lawyers. The next step will be submitting it to the ChapCom and asking
for the new recognizement as a chapter. All our steps are being widely announced,
either in our mailing-list as in social networks and also discussed in our wiki
and in many IRC-meetings.

3 Activities

We have made several activities during this time[4], including community meet-ups,
meetings with chapters/WMF staff and with partners, presentations, photo scavenger
hunts and editing contests.

4 Planned activities

With the formalization, we expect to have the possibility of manage funds and
therefore expand the actual projects, as well as organize other kind of
activities, e.g. GLAM partnerships, our own outreach events and an annual national
community meet-up.

5 Future members

By looking to the other chapters, it would be reasonable to reach 100 volunteers
at the end of the first year.

6 Lawyer review

The Portuguese text of our bylaws was reviewed by a lawyer from Instituto Pro Bono
(, a non-profit association that is kindly providing
law assessment to our group.


Rodrigo Tetsuo Argenton
+55 11 97 97 18 884