Hi all!
the new bulletin from Wikimedia Italia (#71) is available. This time we wrote about the new President of WMIT, the initiatives for Women's Day, EAGLE project, our internal mailing list, the forthcoming Members' Meeting, and future appointments.

As usual, a link has been added to meta, at https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_chapters/Reports/Wikimedia_Italia#2014 ; more-or-less raw text of the bulletin follows below.

ciao, .mau.


== Thank You, Ms President! ==
[[Utente:Aubrey|Andrea Zanni]] is the new President of Wikimedia Italia. [[Utente:Frieda|Frieda Brioschi]] resigned for work reasons, after many years at the helm of the association: she leaves a group that she helped to grow a lot, both in ambition and in the projects implemented in these years.
Andrea Zanni will lead the association at a time of expansion, in which it is very busy on several fronts in the dissemination of free culture. At his side there is always the [[Direttivo|Board]], in whose ranks enters [[Utente:Franciaio|Francesco Tarantini]], already committed to spreading the culture of Wikipedia in occupational groups.
The news does not end there: Wikimedia Italia is looking for an Executive Director who manages the increasing complexity of the activities of the association. At the moment the nominations collected during the months of January and February (the offer for the position was closed some weeks ago) are waiting to be screened in the board, responsible for selecting the new member of staff.

'''''The sincerest thanks to Frieda Brioschi from all the Board and the staff of Wikimedia Italia, for her dedication, passion and skill with which she chaired the association over the years, and a big good luck and the best wishes for his future work to Andrea Zanni !'''''

== We want you! ==
An appeal to all Wikimedians: our association is sending a postcard to members and donors, with the information about [http://wiki.wikimedia.it/wiki/Cinque_per_mille how to allocate 5x1000 of taxes] to Wikimedia Italia. There are '''over twelve thousand postcards''' to be labeled and stamp: the material is all at our Secretariat, Via Ardigò 24 in Monza and we are looking for volunteers who can help us get the job over as quickly as possible. The initiative is very important, because the proceeds of 5x1000 represent a great support to our business! Contact us by writing to [mailto:segreteria@wikimedia.it segreteria@wikimedia.it] or by calling 039/5962256.

== Wikipedia celebrates too the Women's Day (by Susanna Giaccai) ==

As part of the activities aimed at increasing the number of Wikipedia editors, we want to point out a specific intervention to invite women to contribute to Wikipedia, writing entries relating to their worldview. On the occasion of Women's Day in Florence [[Utente:Giaccai|Susanna Giaccai] (librarian), [[Utente:Sailko|Sailko (Wikipedian)]] and [http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utente:Manuelarosi Manuelarosi] organize two meetings for the collective preparation of voices on the basis of a list proposed [https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progetto:GLAM/Biblioteche/Progetti/8_marzo14 on the relevant page].

This page is an outline of the work to which they all the people are invited to collaborate, if they are interested in increasing the number of entries in Wikipedia about the point of view of women in the world.

The appointment is in Florence on the 8th and March 10th at [http://www.lemurate.comune.fi.it/lemurate/suc/ Le Murate SUC] (Piazza delle Murate). The first workshop will focus on the theme of women and will be held from 14.30 to 19.30, while the second will be an introductory lesson and will be held Monday, March 10, from 9:00 to 13:00 . For full details please refer to the [https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progetto:GLAM/Biblioteche/Progetti/formazione/FirenzeMurate project page].

== First international event for EAGLE ==
[[File:Eagle.JPG|210px|thumb|left| Workshop in Ljubljana, by Anita Rocco [CC-BY-SA 3.0]]]

As promised, we continue the excursus on the projects of Wikimedia Italia: today is the turn of [http://www.eagle-network.eu/ EAGLE] (Europeana network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy). EAGLE is a best-practice network, co-funded by the European Commission, and part of the family of [http://www.europeana.eu/ Europeana]. The project aims to collect and catalog in a single database of over a million and a half of digital objects related to inscriptions from the greek-roman world, accompanied by essential information and a selection of translations into several European languages.

On 19 and 20 February a [http://www.eagle-network.eu/about/events/first-eagle-international-event-2014/ workshop] was held in Ljubljana, at the National Museum of Slovenia, entitled "Current Practices and New Directions in Digital Epigraphy". The purpose of the meeting was to provide an overview of the possibilities of digitization of epigraphic material and allow the audience to do a little practice. The meeting was attended by about 60 people from all over the world! With the help of experienced Wikipedians [https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:Pietromarialiuzzo Pietro Liuzzo] and [http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utente:Sannita Luca Martinelli], participants included thirty translations on [http://www.eagle-network.eu/wiki/index.php/Main_Page EAGLE Wikibase] and added links and categories to approximately fifty images on [https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Estatua_de_C._Licinus_Silo.jpg Wikimedia Commons]. The workshop has been particularly successful on the web too; to stay up to date on future initiatives you may follow on Twitter the account of the project [https://twitter.com/Eagle_Project @Eagle_Project], the hashtag #EAGLEEuropeana and the [https://www.facebook.com/EAGLEuropeana facebook page].

The next major event of the EAGLE project will be in September 2014 in Paris, with an [http://www.eagle-network.eu/about/events/eagle2014/ international conference]. We invite you to participate in the [http://www.eagle-network.eu/about/events/eagle2014/call-for-participation/ call for participations] that will close in the next few months (pay attention to the dates).

== Subscribe to Wikimedia Italia mailing list!==
Perhaps not everyone knows that the newsletter is not the only way to follow the activities of Wikimedia Italia! Members have the possibility to subscribe to the mailing list '''associazione@wikimedia.it''', which is the center of the life of the association. The daily e-mail traffic is medium-high (the average is about nine e-mail per day), but it's worth it it you want to be an active member of the association. To be included among the recipients, just make a request by writing an email to [mailto:segreteria@wikimedia.it segreteria@wikimedia.it]. If you are not yet a member, subscribe by filling out the [http://wiki.wikimedia.it/iscrizione/ membership form] and paying the annual dues. Those who do will soon get a taste of real membership life on April 5, at the next Members' meeting. See you there!

== Appointments ==

* March 7, Florence: Another initiative for women. The Advancing Women Artists Foundation, with the collaboration of Syracuse University in Florence and the American General Consulate in Florence, organizes the event [http://www.advancingwomenartists.org/news.php "Female Artists and Wikipedia"], edit-a-thon to create Wikipedia entries that highlight the achievements of female artists, both contemporary and from the past. Where? At Syracuse University in Florence (Piazza Savonarola, 15), from 14.00 to 17.00.

* March 10, Asti: press conference of presentation of the project http://www.we-land.com/wikipedia-va-a-scuola/ Wikipedia goes to school @ Asti]. Meeting is at 16, in the hall of the library of the University of Asti Astiss (piazzale de Andrè) with the presence of the chief of the provincial education authority Alessandro Militerno and Stefano Caneva, vice president of weLand.

* March 13 to 14, Milan: Wikimedia Italy will be present at the [http://www.convegnostelline.it/relatori1.php?IdUnivoco=69 Convegno delle Stelline]. Thursday, March 13, volunteers of the association will give information about Wikipedia and Wikimedia Italia to librarians. Friday, March 14, Pierfranco Minsenti, digital librarian, will participate with a presentation entitled ''Wikipedia as a collaborative work environment for a cross-community of libraries''. The aim is to define the impact on librarians of their collaboration to Wikipedia.

* April 5, Florence: add to your agenda the date for the '''Members' Meeting of Wikimedia Italia'''. The event is open to everyone, who will be able to look at an important part of the activities of the association. The meeting will be held at [http://florence.impacthub.net/about-us/faq/ The Hub], in Florence; soon all the details and the day's program will be released. We remind all members that they must be in good standing with the fees for 2014 to be able to vote: if you are not sure you have renewed, ask for an update on the status of your registration by sending an email to [mailto:segreteria@wikimedia.it segreteria@wikimedia.it].