5.10.2013: Talk about Wikimedia projects at Ciberia Lan Party in Segorbe (Valencian Community)
5-6.10.2013: Coverage of the Spain Truck Grand Prix 2013 at the Jarama Circuit. Wikinews: [1], and Commons: [2]
6.10.2013: Photographic coverage of a stage of Spanish ciclocross championship in Oviedo, Spain [3]
13.10.2013: Taking photos of Faitanar, a neibourghood in Valencia,
Spain. More than 300 photos uploaded, and 15 subcategories created.
12-15.10.2013: Participation of 2 members in Wikimedia Iberoconf 2013 in Mexico City
22.10.2013: Press (photographical coverage) of Seminci 2013. Valladolid. [4] Pictures uploaded to Commons: [5]
25.10.2013: Meeting of wikimedians in Madrid. Discussed possibility of organising Iberoconf'14.
26.10.2013: Gave a How to Edit Wikipedia (both code and VE)
presentation and workshop at Medialab Prado for the course "Women,
Technologies of Information, and Activism". Aprox. 30 women attended,
and their progress will be followed using the WikiMetrics tool. Madrid.
29.10.2013: Virtual meeting in WMES IRC Freenode channel to talk about Iberoconf 2013
30.10.2013: Talk and workshop about Wikipedia at Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid [6]
05.11.2013: Meeting with Paradores de Turismo.
06.11.2013: II Introductory Wikipedia workshop in Oviedo. First session.
07.11.2013: Two workshops about editing Wikipedia (2nd session) for Traslation Degree of Jaume I University of Castelló.
09.11.2013: II Introductory Wikipedia workshop in Oviedo. Second session.
13.11.2013: Participation in the International Seminary organized by
the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), and more concrete by wiki4HE
Project, two members as speakers and also some members who attended the
seminary [7][8]
15.11.2013: Meeting with University of Valladolid
15.11.2013: Agreement with the Joaquín Díaz Foundation. ~2500 old pictures uploaded to Commons.
20-11-2013: Conference on the wikiArS initiative during the Semana de la Ciencia
(Science Week) at the Institute of Earth Science Jaume Almera (CSIC,
Barcelona): "Wikipedia, Ciencia y Arte. Contribuyendo ilustraciones
científicas a través de wikiArS", by David Gómez Fontanills & Daniel
García-Castellanos [9][10]
29-11-2013: Meeting with Museo de Bellas Artes de Valencia
05.12.2013: Participation in a roundtable discussion about Open licenses and dessign at Medialab Prado (Madrid) [11]
05.12.2013: Attendance to I Foro Nacional de la Innovación of Vila-real
07.12.2013: Meeting of wikimedians in Valladolid
13.12.2013: Meeting with students and teachers of Arte 10 School of Art (Madrid) to explain the wikiArS initiative.
15.12.2013: Virtual meeting of members on IRC
16.12.2013: Presentation of the IEG Consolidate wikiArS to involve art schoolsfinal report; publication of wikiArS case studies. Dvdgmz
17.12.2013: Workshop about editing Wikipedia at Library "Reina Sofía" of University of Valladolid [12]
18.12.2013: Final project Dissertation
on "Ingeniería Técnica en Informática de Gestión", developing an
Android application (Photoupload) to ease photo uploads to Commons, with
a specific interface for "Wiki Loves Monuments" contest. APP and
software available under free license in its forge. Wikimedia Spain supported the development with knowledge about WLM issues, software requirements and testing.
18.12.2013: Meeting with Intropia Media about a cultural project related with women from 27 generation "Las Sin Sombrero".
27.12.2013: Meeting with "Regidoria de Joventut" of Vila-real city council at Vila-real Espai Jove.
28.12.2013: Photographic coverage of a volleyball game between the
national teams of Portugal and Spain, none of which had pictures in
Commons. [14]
07.01.2014: Meeting with Mr Francesc Torres, Director of Archivo del Reino de Valencia.
10.01.2014: Photographic coverage of a concert by Spanish band Dover. [1]
12.01.2014: At the request of Wikimedia España, Numismática Pliego
relesases under a CC-BY-SA license its entire online collection of
hundreds of images of historical coins and banknotes, including
metadata. Volunteers of the Chapter are currently uploading the files to
Commons, starting with topics of which few images were previously
available like Visigothic or Hispano-Muslim coins.
12.01.2014: Board meeting on IRC
15.01.2014: Participation in campaign for 13th anniversary of
Wikipedia in social networks (Facebook and Twitter) with other chapters
of Iberocoop. The hashtag was #GraciasWikipedia. This message has a
potential audience of 7.8 milions of users and had a good impact in
Argentina, Chile, Ecuador and Spain, and trending topic in Mexico. 1777
Tweets, 854 users and potential reach of 7867416 (data provided by WMAR)
19.01.2014: Meeting of members on IRC
19.01.2014: Purchase of domains for Wiki Loves Earth
29.01.2014: Finish report of Wiki Loves Monuments 2013 Grant
30.01.2014: Radio interview on Ràdio Vila-real (92.2 FM) [2]
02.02.2014: Board meeting on IRC
04.02.2014: Press conference at Vila-real city hall to present
Wikimedia Conference in Vila-real (8th, 15th and 22nd of February):
08.02.2014: Creation of Wikiproject about Las Sin Sombrero [3]
15.02.2014: Second session of Wikimedia Conferences in Vila-real
16.02.2014: Meeting of members on IRC
19.02.2014: Creation of Whatsapp group for WMES members
19.02.2014: Wikimedia España letter to the Wikimedia Foundation
Board of Trustees regarding the deletion of images from Commons under
URAA. [4]
19.02.2014: First seminar of the 2014 edition of the UCAc2 project. Campus de Jerez (University of Cadiz)
19.02.2014: Radio interview about Uiquimaratón in Asturian in El Tren of RPA [5]
20.02.2014: Short presentation of the 2014 UCAc2 project
in collaboration with Libre Software and Open Knowledge Office, within
the "Jornada de Profesionales Digitales". Organized by public enterprise
Red.es (that belongs to the Ministerio de Industria, Energía y Turismo -
MINETUR), Conferencia de Rectores de las Universidades Españolas (CRUE)
and University of Cadiz. Campus de Jerez (University of Cadiz)
20.02.2014: First session (Workshop and talk about Uiquipedia) of
Uiquimaratón in Blimea (Samartín del Rei Aurelio) in Asturian because
the International Mother Language Day.