Hello everyone, 

The next Wikimedia Foundation metrics and activities meeting will take place on Thursday, September 28, 2017 at 6:00 PM UTC (11 AM PDT). The IRC channel is #wikimedia-office on https://webchat.freenode.net, and the meeting will be broadcast as a live YouTube stream.[1]

During the September metrics meeting, we'll hear from different community members about how the Wikimedia movement works within the broader ecosystem of free and open knowledge in the world today. Speakers will present and discuss collaborations with outside institutions in the knowledge ecosystem, including in the area of public policy as well as collaborations with librarians. 

Meeting agenda:

* Welcomes, theme introduction
* Movement update
* Wikimedia and public policy
* Wikipedia and (US Public) Libraries: Connecting Communities of Knowledge
* Executive update
* Questions and discussion
* Wikilove

Please review 
for further information about the meeting and how to participate.

We’ll post the video recording publicly after the meeting.

Thank you,

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6xxlUmxKM8

Lena Traer 
Project Assistant // Communications // Advancement
Wikimedia Foundation