Hi all,
in bulletin #45 from Wikimedia Italia I erroneously wrote that Wikidata
project was launched on Italian and Greek Wikipedias. Actually it was
Italian and *Hebrew* Wikipedias: so the text should have read
* Wikidata project was launched on [
> https://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Bar/Discussioni/Wikidata_%C3%A8_tra…] and Hebrew Wikipedias.
I am sorry for my mistake!
ciao, .mau.
Hello everyone,
on behalf of the Election Committee for the 2013 Steward Elections [1]
and Confirmations [2], I'd like to let you know that the voting phase
has started and I'd like to invite you to take part in electing our
future stewards and confirming our old ones.
Voting will remain open until February 27 2013, 23:59 (UTC).
We are using the same system for the steward elections we used last
year, which involves the following easy steps:
- Click on the big gray vote button on the vote page, a box will appear;
- Select your vote (yes/no/neutral), and write your comments (if you
have any) in the comment box;
- And click "vote" on that box and it will save your vote automatically.
Eligible to vote in the steward elections are all users with:
- an account on Meta (this wiki);
- a global account (or an account on Meta with user page linked to
your main wiki, and a link to your meta account from your home wiki user
- that do not primarily use the account for automated (bot) tasks;
- at least 600 edits before 01 November 2012 (on one wiki, or edits
on unified wikis can be combined);
- at least 50 edits between 01 August 2012 and 31 January 2013 (on
the same wiki as above, or edits on unified wikis can be combined).
If you have any questions, feel free to leave them on the talk page [3]
or poke us on the IRC channel #wikimedia-stewards-elections on freenode.
Please feel free to forward this e-mail to other lists if you think it
useful :)
[1] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Stewards/Elections_2013
[2] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Stewards/Confirm/2013
[3] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:Stewards/Elections_2013
[4] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Stewards/Elections_2013/Guidelines
Hi all,
the new bulletin from Wikimedia Italia (#45) is available.
This time we write about a call for collaborators for our project
Archaeowiki and the upcoming Members' Meeting.
As usual a link has been added to meta, at
Wikimedia_chapters/Reports/Wikimedia_Italia ; raw text of the bulletin
follows below.
ciao, .mau.
==Search for collaborators==
For the project «Archeowiki - new "archaeologists" in Lombardia - virtual
and real paths» we are searching for collaborators. <br />
You might remember that Archeowiki is a project for archaelogisy
alphabetization, aiming to appraise and distribute through Wikipedia with a
Creative Common license the contents created by cultural institutions.
Moreover, we want to engage new categories of people in the fruition of the
lesser known archaelological heritage in Lombardia, both putting online
cultural content and letting people directly see the findings, exploiting
“Wikigite” (wikitrips).
===Who we are searching for===
* [
for 8 collaborators - Company and assistance during "WikiGite" for
"Archeowiki" project]
{{quote|Collaborator must go with the public (general public, school,
"weak" public like elder or disabled people) in the Wikigite. He/she will
assist visitors, answering their questions about Wikipedia, helping them to
retrieve information about the visited collections (e.g., photographs), in
order to be able to improve the articles of Wikipedia about archaeology in
general and the specific collections visited.}}
* [
for 8 collaborators - Wikipedians in residence for "Archeowiki"
{{quote|"Wikipedian in residence" (''WiR'') works in the museums,
interfacing with personnel and the administrator of the collections, easing
the insertion of the digitalized material on Wikipedia; in particular
he/she follows the development of the articles about the institution and
the objects present in its collections. Collaborator also assists the
museum in the relationship with the partners of the project.}}
== Members' Meeting next 2 March ==
Next official meeting for Wikimedia Italia members will be held on Saturday
2 March 2013 in Milan, at the Press Room of Telecom Italia (Piazza degli
Affari, 2). The meeting will start at 10 and last till 18.
On the next newsletter we will present the detailed program: in the
meantime members may follow [
http://wiki.wikimedia.it/wiki/Associazione:Assemblea_WMI_marzo_2013 the
page on the site about the meeting], updated as soon as necessary.
== Maurizio Codogno on the millionth article on Italian Wikipedia ==
Maurizio Codogno (.mau.), spokesperson for Wikimedia Italia, was
interviewed by Radio Montecarlo in occasion of the creation of the
millionth article on Italian Wikipedia. The interview was made on 22
January 2013: a [
http://podcasting.radiomontecarlo.net/rmc/index.php?id=26014 podcast] is
== News in brief ==
(Note: in this translated version only the news regarding Italy are shown)
* Wikidata project was launched on [
and Greek Wikipedias.
==Follow us==
Did you know that Wikimedia Italia and its projects are present also on the
most important social networks?
If you did not follow us already, go find what we are saying:
*Twitter (@WikimediaItalia): https://twitter.com/WikimediaItalia
*Facebook (Wiki Loves Monuments Italia):
*Google+ (Wiki Loves Monuments Italia):
(Sorry for crossposting)
Dear friends,
As you know, the Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) [1] comprising
seven community members, was established last year to make
recommendations to the Board about how to allocate movement funds to
eligible entities and help achieve Wikimedia’s vision, mission, and
strategies. The first round of FDC funding, of $8.51 million,
supporting the annual plans of eleven entities, was successfully
completed in December 2012.[2] All thanks to the hard work of the
members of the community, the FDC, and FDC staff for helping making
this happen!
We are writing to you today to announce that we are increasing the
community review period for FDC proposals by two weeks. We are doing
this in response to feedback from community members including
applicants, FDC and FDC staff. In consultation with the FDC and the
Board, we (as Board representatives on the FDC) approved this change
to the FDC schedule, in order to allow enough time for the community
to review the proposals, and for the applicants to respond. As a
result, Round 2's schedule (and hereafter all FDC rounds), will have
four weeks of review. This also means that the deadlines for the FDC
recommendations and the Board approval get pushed out by two weeks.
For the FDC Round 2 of 2012-13, the schedule is therefore as follows:
proposals from eligible entities are due on March 1,[3] on the FDC
portal. Any eligibility gaps that are pending need to be closed by
February 15.[4] The community review period will be from March 1 to
March 31. On April 8, the FDC staff will post the staff assessments of
the proposals. The FDC will meet from April 22-24 and make its
recommendation to the Board on May 1.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to the FDC staff
(FDCsupport(a)wikimedia.org) for any clarifications. They will be
sharing more details with you shortly.
Jan Bart and Patricio - Board observers FDC
[1] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/FDC_portal
[2] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/FDC_portal/FDC_recommendations/2012-2013_rou…
[3] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/FDC_portal/Proposal_process
[4] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/FDC_portal/Eligibility_status/Current_round#…
Patricio Lorente
Blog: http://www.patriciolorente.com.ar
Identi.ca // Twitter: @patriciolorente