I agree, this statement is an excellent summary of the concerns we discussed. Thanks for doing this work, Max.
There have been a couple more recent discussions/comments in threads about the Charter, and from the Future of Affiliate Gatherings group, that made some more good points - just sharing these if of interest.
I don't think these would change our vote on the Charter - just helpful to see these perspectives and questions they're raising.
1. "issue of Global Council" - thread in Charter discussion
This thread in the Movement Charter discussion is worth checking out - I found it helpful for articulating questions and concerns about the role of the Global Council. In particular, the thread participants express confusion over how much power the Global Council
will have, and how they will operate effectively in practice.
2. Future of Affiliate Gatherings group - temporarily suspending work
Message to the Steering Committee of the Wikimedia Summit - the group is suspending work because the group is unclear about expectations of the role, mandate and output of the group set up at the Summit.
Also asking if the Summit Steering Committee thinks that decision-making on the future of affiliate gatherings is not possible until there is clarity about Movement Charter and Global Council - so will be interesting to see what develops around this after the
ratification vote concludes.
- Morgan
This looks great to me, Max. Thanks so much for taking our notes and turning them into an elegant and simple statement.
Hi NC Wikipedians, I'm about ready to cast our vote for Movement Charter ratification. Here's my summary of our consensus (which will be made public), intentionally not too detailed:
* Yes with reservations. We support in principle adopting a charter empowering a global council, in recognition of the global and volunteer character of the Wikimedia movement. However, we expect the need for possibly substantial amendments to address community
concerns. To that end, we encourage easing the process of amendment to make the charter more of a living document for at least an initial period.
Any suggested edits are welcome. I'll submit the vote in the next couple of days before voting closes on July 9.
And on July 9 at 7pm, I'm hosting our next meeting. Hope to focus on planning a Wiknic event for the near future. Zoom link to follow.
Hi NC Wiki folks,
here are a couple more updates, from comments made the past few days in the Discussion page for the final charter draft
This discussion is pretty complicated because the Charter covers so much ground, but I wanted to highlight comments from representatives from the Wikimedia Foundation and Wikimedia Deutschland, because I think these could have a big effect on what happens with
the ratification process.
The Charter is ratified and comes into effect after a vote that has the following result:
Just a reminder that we'll meet next Tuesday evening at 7pm to discuss whether we'll vote to support the movement charter draft. (And discuss a possible summer event.)
Morgan, thanks so much for sharing this tool! I think this will be useful for our discussion.
See y'all next week!
Hi NC Wiki folks,
The Wikimedia Summit Organising Team sent this message to Summit participants. They've created a tool for evaluating the Final Charter draft, in relation to the revision requests
that were drafted by affiliates during the summit.
Just sharing this in case it's helpful for folks to get a sense of what other affiliates' priorities were. I'm also keeping an eye out in case there's more discussion among participants
about the Final Movement Charter .
Subject: Fwd: Wikimedia Summit Statements: Final Movement Charter scoring
Dear Wikimedia Summit participants,
The MCDC has recently published the final movement charter in English:
At the Wikimedia Summit, after three days of deliberation, you as participants came up with a series of statements that the groups deemed important to be included in the charter. Even though some of these “dealbreaker” statements were drafted under extreme
time constraints, all of them received a majority support by Affiliates and Hub representatives at the closing session.
We developed a simple tool to compare the final charter against the Summit statements:
How to use the tool:
This table lists all the “dealbreaker” statements, weighs them by the support they got at the summit and calculates a total score.
The weighing is based on # of people who voted “support” subtracting # of people who voted “oppose”, multiplied by the number of people who responded (as in, did not abstain).
Simply enter “yes” or “no” in the Final Charter column, based on your own assessment of the charter content.
Of course, you can adjust it with your weighing method, based on the preferences of your organization. Alternatively, you could just pick the statements that are important to your affiliate or hub, and create a score based on those only.
The ratification will run from 25 June - 9 July. We hope many of you will take part in it!
/!\ Do not reply to this email, please direct all your questions to
wmsummit@wikimedia.de /!\
Kind regards from Berlin,
The Wikimedia Summit Organising Team
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