Hi again,

Just wanted to send a reminder: please make any additions to our annual report by 5pm Eastern TODAY.

And if you haven't added your availability to our When2Meet poll -- https://www.when2meet.com/?12802860-ZabNE -- please do that ASAP. We'll be setting our next meeting time SOON!

(Apologies if you're getting this message twice; I'm copying it to the wikimedia listserv we've set up. And if you're on that list and didn't get my previous message, I apologize for the oversight!)


On Wed, Sep 8, 2021 at 8:31 PM E.S. Jack <emilysjack@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello, fearless NC Wikipedian colleagues!

It's been a while since we've been in touch on the user group front. Danielle and I had a check-in the other night with the goal of picking things up and moving forward. This message contains a few questions and updates.

Danielle, who has been the group's chair for the last few years, has started a doctorate program and has her hands full between that and her full-time job. First, let's thank her for her excellent leadership these last few years! Second, does anyone have any interest in taking on a leadership role? That might include chairing or co-chairing, depending on who's interested.

Annual report: Anything to add?
We're overdue in submitting our annual report, a summary of our group's activities over the last year. Our reporting year covers May 1, 2020 to April 30, 2021. I've gotten us started on the report here. Do you have anything to add? Did you host a Wikipedia event? Attend a conference? Want to add your name as a participant / supporter? Please make your contributions by next Friday, Sept. 17, by 5pm Eastern. At that point, I will call it finished and submit it.

Next meeting
Now that the summer has ended and folks are back on their regular(ish) fall schedules, let's find a time for a regular monthly meeting. I'm hoping we can find a standing time, like "the first [day of the week] of the month at [#] pm." Please fill out this When2Meet poll to indicate your general availability by Wednesday, 9/15: https://www.when2meet.com/?12802860-ZabNE. (You can use your real name or your Wikipedia user name.)

Still interested? Know anyone else who might be?
Are you still interested in being involved with the user group? If so, great! If not, just let me know and I'll take your name off this list. Do you know of anyone who might be interested in being involved in the user group? Feel free to put them in touch with me and we'll get them on board!

Wishing you all well until we meet again!