Hello everybody,


Thank you for your patience! Here is the link to the RSVP sheet indicating what Zoom we use for our meetings and other information that would be helpful to know to be acquainted with HGAPS and its systems: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12FG923iLQS0Lml30n9-S_pvn5dBT0IG5jrqXUaDwGv0/edit?usp=sharing

If you are interested in coming to a Thursday HGAPS meeting, you can join the Zoom link in the document above at 6 PM!




Colin Park

UNC – Chapel Hill | Economics, B.A. and Psychology, B.A. | 2022

(719) 209-2825 | parkcol@live.unc.edu


From: Youngstrom, Eric Arden
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2022 10:02 AM
To: E.S. Jack; wikimedia-us-nc@lists.wikimedia.org; Natalie Charamut; Ciochina, Morgan Claire; Park, Colin
Cc: ncharamut
Subject: RE: [Wikimedia-US-NC] NC Wikipedians meeting this THURSDAY


Hi, all,


Sorry to miss the meeting – the Thursday time will always double-book me with an HGAPS standing meeting. The flipside is that many of your schedules might let you join the HGAPS working meeting on weeks that the NC Wikipedians are *not* meeting.


In that vein, HGAPS has gotten two Wiki Rapid Grants. You all will be invited to have a look at some of the material as we get it built out on Wiki, and getting your consultation or suggestions would be fantastic, too. You have a lot more experience with technical aspects of editing than most of the volunteers working in HGAPS, so it would be a stronger team for having you on it (and you would be teaching/upgrading the skill sets for people, too).


We also are getting great buy-in from a professional society (the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapy) in partnering to work on the article about Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. They are appointing a team of content experts to work with us, looking at giving space to meet at their national convention for an in-person event (with Zoom possible, too). A goal is to get this to GA status. If one or two of you would be interested in being involved, please let me know. The activity is likely to happen between May-November this year.


Best to all!




P.S. @Park, Colin – please reply all with the RSVP list for Thursdays so that they have more details. @Natalie Charamut & @Ciochina, Morgan Claire – these are experienced editors who might be interested in seeing/helping with the Squid Game and Wikifying Conferences projects.


Eric Youngstrom, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience, and Psychiatry

Acting Director, Center for Excellence in Research and Treatment of Bipolar  Disorder
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 


Past-President (2021-22), APA Division 5: Quantitative and Qualitative Methods

Co-Founder and Executive Director

Helping Give Away Psychological Science (hgaps.org)

Adjunct Professor of Psychology, Korea University






From: E.S. Jack <emilysjack@gmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2022 7:44 PM
To: wikimedia-us-nc@lists.wikimedia.org
Subject: [Wikimedia-US-NC] NC Wikipedians meeting this THURSDAY


Just a reminder that we'll meet this Thursday at 7pm: https://unc.zoom.us/j/96533892034


See you then!




On Sun, Mar 20, 2022 at 5:56 PM E.S. Jack <emilysjack@gmail.com> wrote:

Hey NC Wikipedia friends!


I apologize, but I've had a conflict come up this Thursday. We will not meet this Thursday, 3/24. We will instead meet the following Thursday, March 31, at 7pm. New Zoom link: https://unc.zoom.us/j/96533892034


Hope to see you then!





On Fri, Mar 11, 2022 at 10:53 AM E.S. Jack <emilysjack@gmail.com> wrote:

Hi everyone,


At our meeting last week, we moved forward with our planning for the spring photo project. Right now we're thinking of it as a locally scoped photo project, focused on parks, historic sites, and botanical gardens in the Research Triangle. The goal will be to take photos and upload them to the Wikimedia Commons.


To keep up the momentum, we made plans for another meeting on Thursday, March 24, at 7pm


I'll send a reminder in advance of that meeting.


Hope to see some of you then!


