Hello fellow Coloradans! 

Want to curate a room at this year's Wikimania for a day?! There is just a few more days to put in a submission to lead (or co-lead) a space during the event - the deadline is this Friday, March 22, 2019. We've gotten a few submissions, but not enough yet, so I'm bumping this thread to you all, hoping that it might spark some interest! 

Happy spring-time in the Rockies!



deb tankersley 

program manager, engineering

Wikimedia Foundation

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Liam Wyatt <liamwyatt@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Mar 16, 2019 at 6:39 PM
Subject: Re: [Wikimania-l] New Wikimania program design announced: call for proposals OPEN
To: Wikimania general list (open subscription) <wikimania-l@lists.wikimedia.org>

Bumping this thread...

Have you ever wanted to curate a room at Wikimania for a day?
With one week to go in the call for people to lead a "Space" during the conference, we have so far received submissions on these topic areas:

Data Science
Environmental Sustainability

You can read brief public summaries of these submissions here:

If you think something's missing, and would like to add to those which are already listed, Go to that page and fill out the form to propose your topic!

- Liam / Wittylama (program chair)

On Fri, 1 Mar 2019 at 19:28, Eric Luth <eric.luth@wikimedia.se> wrote:
Hi all,

The Wikimania organizing team is now happy to announce the Program Design of Wikimania 2019! 

We believe that this year’s conference theme requires a format that is future-oriented, collaborative, active, and focused on practical problem-solving. The program will therefore consist of a series of parallel spaces (or tracks), lead by leaders, and through practical training, learning, idea-sharing and cross-cultural collaboration focusing on different topic areas.

The call for proposals for these Leaders, and what they would like to do with those Spaces, is NOW OPEN. We invite you to visit the Program Design page on the Wikimania Wiki to read more.

Eric Luth
Conference Manager, Wikimedia Sverige
+46 (0) 765 55 50 95

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