>>Within a 24-hour period, only six Wikipedia accounts can be created via single IP address. If there's a chance you'll have more than six new editors at your edit-a-thon, you'll want to have a plan for how they'll create accounts.

I am told that bureaucrats are exempt from this restriction. I have never had to use this exemption as a 'crat on w:mr but I suppose I can do that if needed.


On Mar 19, 2017 10:17 PM, "Neal McBurnett" <neal@bcn.boulder.co.us> wrote:
Thanks folks!  I'm back from a trip and catching up.  I'm CCing the Colorado user group email list.

I've added the event to our local events page


It might make sense to make a wikipedia page for the event also, like we've done in the past. See e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Meetup/Colorado/Wiknic/2016

On wikipedia, my username is "nealmcb" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Nealmcb).
If you all share yours (or we make and sign up on a Wikipedia page) it will be easier to coordinate things on wikipedia itself.

I also posted it to our Facebook page:

I suggest advertising widely. Having room for 35 sounds great.

I'm pretty open for a planning meeting this week also.

I also found this Boulder Art + Feminism event also, from March 8th:


Did anyone go to that?

It lists Contact Information: Name: Jessica Brunecky Email: jessica.brunecky@colorado.edu
so she'd be a good one to touch base with!

Finally, there is some organizing info at:


note in particular:

 Within a 24-hour period, only six Wikipedia accounts can be created via single IP address. If there's a chance you'll have more than six new editors at your edit-a-thon, you'll want to have a plan for how they'll create accounts.

They have tips for handling that, and also for advertising the event on wikipedia, e.g. via the geographic software notices.


Neal McBurnett                 http://neal.mcburnett.org/

On Fri, Mar 17, 2017 at 05:08:27AM +0000, Kassondra Cloos wrote:
> Thanks, Isarra! We would love to have you with us at Sanitas. I'm around next week, too, and I'd love to meet up. My schedule is
> pretty flexible. What works for you? Anyone else is welcome to join, as well!
> On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 6:03 PM Abigail Wise <abwise12@gmail.com> wrote:
>     Hi Isarra!
>     Yes, this is in reference to the event at Sanitas.
>     We are new to editing ourselves.
>     We don't have a ton of people signed up at the point, but we are ramping up our promo efforts now. Kassondra works for SNEWS
>     and I work for Mountain Project, so we are using those platforms to spread the word.
>     We would so love to have you! Thank you for offering!
>     Abby
>     On Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 11:43 PM, Isarra Yos <zhorishna@gmail.com> wrote:
>         Okay, so to clarify, since I've only been sort of following along:
>           ☆ The event you mention at the start, that all of this is about, is the Sanitas Brewery editathon, yes?
>           ☆ Are you guys running this new to editing too, or is it just that you want everyone involved up to speed ahead of time
>             so that the properly new folks are sure to get ideal help?
>           ☆ How are you getting the word out? Are enough people signing up as-is, or should we be helping?
>         I'm probably not the most knowledgeable about how to actually edit well, being more a developer than an editor myself, but
>         the event certainly looks interesting and I'd love to come get in the way. I mean, help. So if anyone else is interested in
>         meeting up next week, I should be around too, so just let me know.
>         -I
>         On 14/03/17 03:43, Kassondra Cloos wrote:
>             Hi everyone,
>             We're coming up on the event Abby and I are hosting at the end of the month, and I want to circle back on all of this
>             for some additional advice. 
>             Abby and I had a great talk with Jackie about the editing event she hosted in New York. She had some really useful
>             insight for us on on the intricacies of writing and editing on Wikipedia, and we realized there is a lot we don't know.
>             For example, we were both thinking we could give people a list of women who need pages, and send them off to start
>             researching them, but Jackie mentioned that those articles could get deleted by more senior editors if they're written
>             by folks just starting out. We want to make sure we're setting people up with the knowledge and tools they need to
>             build up their experience and become lifelong editors who will regularly add citations, and, hopefully, some day write
>             well-researched entries on important women as they see needs.
>             I think Pharos said you're all based in the Boulder area? If so, we'd love to meet up with one (or all!) of you to
>             learn how we can be a useful resource for the folks attending our event in two weeks. Abby is out of town right now,
>             but I believe she's coming back next week. My schedule is completely open then, and I'm also available this weekend if
>             that works best for anyone. We'd love a bit of a primer on how to get started as editors, and a run-through of the
>             system so that we can give accurate advice during our event.
>             Also, if any of you are interested in joining us at Sanitas for our "Outdoor Women of Wikipedia" event, we'd love to
>             have you all! Jackie mentioned that Erika was an incredible--and necessary--resource for her event, and we will
>             certainly take all the help and expertise we can get. 
>             Thank you so much, everyone, and I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
>             Best,
>             Kassondra
>             P.S. Apologies if I've left someone out here! This chain grew pretty quickly and I thought it would be simpler to reach
>             out to the Colorado folks directly, but please feel free to pass this message along to anyone else in the Wiki
>             community. 
>             On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 10:49 AM, Abigail Wise <abwise12@gmail.com> wrote:
>                 Hey everyone,
>                 Yes to the 3:30 call tomorrow.
>                 We'll be at Sanitas Brewery on March 26 from 4-6pm. One thing to note: We probably don't want to spread the word
>                 too widely as we have to cap the guest list at 35.
>                 Thanks,
>                 Abby
>                 [t]ᐧ
>                 On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 6:43 PM, Neal McBurnett <neal@bcn.boulder.co.us> wrote:
>                     Thanks folks!
>                     I got in the conversation late.  What is the time / place / venue / plan you have in mind?
>                     Cheers,
>                     Neal McBurnett                 http://neal.mcburnett.org/
>                     On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 01:27:08AM +0000, Jackie Snow wrote:
>                     > 3:30/5:30 sounds great for me. And definitely starting with me and figuring out where you are in the process
>                     and what help you need
>                     > sounds like a plan. Feel free to break us off into another thread if you set up a conference line (otherwise
>                     I'll just expect a
>                     > ring!).
>                     >
>                     > On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 5:06 PM Kassondra Cloos <kassondracloos@gmail.com> wrote:
>                     >
>                     >     Hi everyone,
>                     >
>                     >     Sorry for the delay in my response! Thank you so much for connecting us to so many resources and people
>                     willing to help. Abby
>                     >     and Jackie, Wednesday at 3 or 4 MT works for me, too--let's say 3:30? I'm happy to set up a conference
>                     line and send you the
>                     >     call-in number. 
>                     >
>                     >     Richard, we weren't planning this in conjunction with the Art + Feminism campaign, because we hadn't
>                     realized that was
>                     >     happening. I'm so glad to hear there's a larger movement. Our edit-a-thon sounds like it's aligned with
>                     the campaign, and I
>                     >     don't see any events on that list yet that are in Boulder. 
>                     >
>                     >     One slight variation is that we have been planning to put an outdoor spin on this event, since we live in
>                     a community full of
>                     >     adventure writers and people who work in the outdoor industry. We have started a list of women who fit
>                     this category and are
>                     >     not yet recognized on Wikipedia. Beyond that, we have picked a date, time, and venue, but have not yet
>                     started spreading the
>                     >     word. Jackie, I'm really looking forward to hearing how you got people excited about this and dedicated
>                     to following through at
>                     >     HGF's event. Perhaps we should start there and then we'll circle back with the rest of you on any
>                     questions we may have?
>                     >
>                     >     Neal, Isarra, Clif, and Abhay, it's nice to meet you! Do you know of any similar edit-a-thons happening
>                     in Boulder in the
>                     >     coming month that might be in the early stages, like ours is?
>                     >
>                     >     Thank you so much, everyone!
>                     >     Kassondra
>                     >
>                     >
>                     >     On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 1:55 PM Pharos <pharosofalexandria@gmail.com> wrote:
>                     >
>                     >         Hi all,
>                     >
>                     >         I'd like to introduce you to Neal, Isarra, Clif and Abhay, who are all I think more or less
>                     Boulder-based.
>                     >
>                     >         Is your edit-a-thon part of the Art+Feminism campaign in March, or does it have another focus?
>                     >
>                     >         https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Meetup/ArtAndFeminism
>                     >
>                     >         Thanks,
>                     >         Richard
>                     >         (User:Pharos)
>                     >
>                     >         On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 3:11 PM, Jackie Snow <jaclynrisa@gmail.com> wrote:
>                     >
>                     >             That would be 5pm my time so 3 p.m. MT or even 4 would be fine.
>                     >
>                     >
>                     >             On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 10:26 AM Abigail Wise <abwise12@gmail.com> wrote:
>                     >
>                     >                 Thanks so much for all of this helpful information, Erika and Jackie! And nice to connect
>                     with you, Richard!
>                     >
>                     >                 Jackie, if we'd still like to hop on a call, Wednesday works well for me, too, but it would
>                     need to be after 3 p.m.
>                     >                 MT. Kassondra, I know you are traveling this weekend, so let us know when you're available
>                     when you get back to
>                     >                 email!
>                     >
>                     >                 Thanks again, everyone,
>                     >
>                     >                 Abby
>                     >                 [t]ᐧ
>                     >
>                     >                 On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 12:34 PM, Erika Herzog <erika_herzog@yahoo.com> wrote:
>                     >
>                     >                     Hi Kassondra,
>                     >
>                     >                     Apologies for delay in responding.
>                     >
>                     >                     I think there's a Meetup group in Boulder -- you might be able to reach out to some of
>                     the people who attend
>                     >                     and/or organize the events:
>                     >                     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Meetup/Boulder
>                     >
>                     >                     And this Facebook group:
>                     >                     https://www.facebook.com/groups/wikipedia.boulder
>                     >
>                     >                     And a Wiki mailing list:
>                     >                     https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/Wikimedia-US-CO
>                     >
>                     >
>                     >                     I suspect you might already know about these.
>                     >
>                     >                     I'm cc'ing Richard, WM NYC's President, who has a great network of people knowledge
>                     within the Wikimedia /
>                     >                     Wikipedia community -- he might be able to provide more specific connection info.
>                     >
>                     >                     Is your editathon part of Art+Feminism? They have a coordinator now, and I'm sure might
>                     have some collective
>                     >                     materials and might be able to provide assistance.
>                     >
>                     >
>                     >                     If I can skillshare or help at all, let me know. I provide administrative assistance to a
>                     lot of different
>                     >                     initiatives on Wikipedia and if I can help would be happy to do so.
>                     >
>                     >                     Might be helpful to have more specifics / details about the editathon, etc. :-)
>                     >
>                     >                     Best,
>                     >
>                     >                     - Erika
>                     >
>                     >
>                     >
>                     >                      
>                     >                     Erika Herzog
>                     >                     erika_herzog@yahoo.com
>                     >                     erika.herzog@gmail.com
>                     >                     +1-212-749-9601 (cell and home)
>                     >
>                     >
>                     >                   
>                      ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
>                     >                     From: Kassondra Cloos <kassondracloos@gmail.com>
>                     >                     To: Jackie Snow <jaclynrisa@gmail.com>; Abigail Wise <abwise12@gmail.com>
>                     >                     Cc: Erika Herzog <erika_herzog@yahoo.com>
>                     >                     Sent: Friday, February 17, 2017 10:38 AM
>                     >                     Subject: Re: Boulder Wiki event
>                     >
>                     >                     Thank you, Jackie! 
>                     >
>                     >                     I'm copying Abby Wise here, who is co-hosting the Boulder edit-a-thon. I'll be out of
>                     town for the next few
>                     >                     days, but my schedule is pretty flexible next week. I'd love to find a time we can all
>                     talk together. We're
>                     >                     really excited about this! 
>                     >
>                     >
>                     >
>                     >                     On Thu, Feb 16, 2017 at 7:43 AM, Jackie Snow <jaclynrisa@gmail.com> wrote:
>                     >
>                     >                         Hi Kassondra,
>                     >                         So cool about your event. I'd be happy to hop on a call for any questions. I'm
>                     connecting you to Erika
>                     >                         here, who is part of Wikimedia NYC and the event would have been impossible without
>                     her help and knowledge.
>                     >                         Erika, Kassondra got in touch with HGF and is planning their own edit-a-thon in
>                     Boulder for next month. Is
>                     >                         there a Wikimedia chapter out there?
>                     >                         --
>                     >                         Jackie Snow
>                     >                         239.404.9698
>                     >                         www.jsnowphoto.com
>                     >
>                     >
>                     >
>                     >
>                     >                     --
>                     >                     Kassondra Cloos
>                     >                     @kassondracloos
>                     >                     kassondracloos.com
>                     >
>                     >
>                     >
>                     >
>                     >
>                     >
>                     >                 --
>                     >                 Abigail Wise
>                     >
>                     >                 Senior Editor | REI's Adventure Projects
>                     >                 Reported Features Contributor | Romper
>                     >                 www.abigailwise.com
>                     >                 @abigailwise
>                     >                 (651) 324-7341
>                     >                 Subscribe to my newsletter
>                     >
>                     >             --
>                     >             Jackie Snow
>                     >             239.404.9698
>                     >             www.jsnowphoto.com
>                     >
>                     >
>                     >
>                     >     --
>                     >     Kassondra Cloos
>                     >     @kassondracloos
>                     >     kassondracloos.com
>                     >
>                     > --
>                     > Jackie Snow
>                     > 239.404.9698
>                     > www.jsnowphoto.com
>                 --
>                 Abigail Wise
>                 Senior Editor | REI's Adventure Projects
>                 Reported Features Contributor | Romper
>                 www.abigailwise.com
>                 @abigailwise
>                 (651) 324-7341
>                 Subscribe to my newsletter
>             --
>             Kassondra Cloos
>             @kassondracloos
>             kassondracloos.com
>     --
>     Abigail Wise
>     Senior Editor | REI's Adventure Projects
>     Reported Features Contributor | Romper
>     www.abigailwise.com
>     @abigailwise
>     (651) 324-7341
>     Subscribe to my newsletter
> --
> Kassondra Cloos
> @kassondracloos
> kassondracloos.com

On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 02:06:46AM +0000, Isarra Yos wrote:
> Yeah, we could totally meet for coffee or whatever somewhere on Broadway or Pearl street during the week, if that sounds good. I'm
> free pretty much any day but tuesday.
> I've also CCed Todd Allen, as he's a much more active user with content, and Wikipedia specifically, than I am, so if he'd have
> time to read back on this and join in, maybe he'd also be able to help? Or if anyone else would care to weigh in, please do - I
> will do what I can, but the more folks who know what they're doing, the better.
> -I
> On 17/03/17 05:08, Kassondra Cloos wrote:
>     Thanks, Isarra! We would love to have you with us at Sanitas. I'm around next week, too, and I'd love to meet up. My schedule
>     is pretty flexible. What works for you? Anyone else is welcome to join, as well!
>     On Thu, Mar 16, 2017 at 6:03 PM Abigail Wise <abwise12@gmail.com> wrote:
>         Hi Isarra!
>         Yes, this is in reference to the event at Sanitas.
>         We are new to editing ourselves.
>         We don't have a ton of people signed up at the point, but we are ramping up our promo efforts now. Kassondra works for
>         SNEWS and I work for Mountain Project, so we are using those platforms to spread the word.
>         We would so love to have you! Thank you for offering!
>         Abby
>         On Wed, Mar 15, 2017 at 11:43 PM, Isarra Yos <zhorishna@gmail.com> wrote:
>             Okay, so to clarify, since I've only been sort of following along:
>               ○ The event you mention at the start, that all of this is about, is the Sanitas Brewery editathon, yes?
>               ○ Are you guys running this new to editing too, or is it just that you want everyone involved up to speed ahead of
>                 time so that the properly new folks are sure to get ideal help?
>               ○ How are you getting the word out? Are enough people signing up as-is, or should we be helping?
>             I'm probably not the most knowledgeable about how to actually edit well, being more a developer than an editor myself,
>             but the event certainly looks interesting and I'd love to come get in the way. I mean, help. So if anyone else is
>             interested in meeting up next week, I should be around too, so just let me know.
>             -I
>             On 14/03/17 03:43, Kassondra Cloos wrote:
>                 Hi everyone,
>                 We're coming up on the event Abby and I are hosting at the end of the month, and I want to circle back on all of
>                 this for some additional advice. 
>                 Abby and I had a great talk with Jackie about the editing event she hosted in New York. She had some really useful
>                 insight for us on on the intricacies of writing and editing on Wikipedia, and we realized there is a lot we don't
>                 know. For example, we were both thinking we could give people a list of women who need pages, and send them off to
>                 start researching them, but Jackie mentioned that those articles could get deleted by more senior editors if
>                 they're written by folks just starting out. We want to make sure we're setting people up with the knowledge and
>                 tools they need to build up their experience and become lifelong editors who will regularly add citations, and,
>                 hopefully, some day write well-researched entries on important women as they see needs.
>                 I think Pharos said you're all based in the Boulder area? If so, we'd love to meet up with one (or all!) of you to
>                 learn how we can be a useful resource for the folks attending our event in two weeks. Abby is out of town right
>                 now, but I believe she's coming back next week. My schedule is completely open then, and I'm also available this
>                 weekend if that works best for anyone. We'd love a bit of a primer on how to get started as editors, and a
>                 run-through of the system so that we can give accurate advice during our event.
>                 Also, if any of you are interested in joining us at Sanitas for our "Outdoor Women of Wikipedia" event, we'd love
>                 to have you all! Jackie mentioned that Erika was an incredible--and necessary--resource for her event, and we will
>                 certainly take all the help and expertise we can get. 
>                 Thank you so much, everyone, and I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
>                 Best,
>                 Kassondra
>                 P.S. Apologies if I've left someone out here! This chain grew pretty quickly and I thought it would be simpler to
>                 reach out to the Colorado folks directly, but please feel free to pass this message along to anyone else in the
>                 Wiki community. 
>                 On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 10:49 AM, Abigail Wise <abwise12@gmail.com> wrote:
>                     Hey everyone,
>                     Yes to the 3:30 call tomorrow.
>                     We'll be at Sanitas Brewery on March 26 from 4-6pm. One thing to note: We probably don't want to spread the
>                     word too widely as we have to cap the guest list at 35.
>                     Thanks,
>                     Abby
>                     [t]ᐧ
>                     On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 6:43 PM, Neal McBurnett <neal@bcn.boulder.co.us> wrote:
>                         Thanks folks!
>                         I got in the conversation late.  What is the time / place / venue / plan you have in mind?
>                         Cheers,
>                         Neal McBurnett                 http://neal.mcburnett.org/
>                         On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 01:27:08AM +0000, Jackie Snow wrote:
>                         > 3:30/5:30 sounds great for me. And definitely starting with me and figuring out where you are in the
>                         process and what help you need
>                         > sounds like a plan. Feel free to break us off into another thread if you set up a conference line
>                         (otherwise I'll just expect a
>                         > ring!).
>                         >
>                         > On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 5:06 PM Kassondra Cloos <kassondracloos@gmail.com> wrote:
>                         >
>                         >     Hi everyone,
>                         >
>                         >     Sorry for the delay in my response! Thank you so much for connecting us to so many resources and
>                         people willing to help. Abby
>                         >     and Jackie, Wednesday at 3 or 4 MT works for me, too--let's say 3:30? I'm happy to set up a
>                         conference line and send you the
>                         >     call-in number. 
>                         >
>                         >     Richard, we weren't planning this in conjunction with the Art + Feminism campaign, because we hadn't
>                         realized that was
>                         >     happening. I'm so glad to hear there's a larger movement. Our edit-a-thon sounds like it's aligned
>                         with the campaign, and I
>                         >     don't see any events on that list yet that are in Boulder. 
>                         >
>                         >     One slight variation is that we have been planning to put an outdoor spin on this event, since we
>                         live in a community full of
>                         >     adventure writers and people who work in the outdoor industry. We have started a list of women who
>                         fit this category and are
>                         >     not yet recognized on Wikipedia. Beyond that, we have picked a date, time, and venue, but have not
>                         yet started spreading the
>                         >     word. Jackie, I'm really looking forward to hearing how you got people excited about this and
>                         dedicated to following through at
>                         >     HGF's event. Perhaps we should start there and then we'll circle back with the rest of you on any
>                         questions we may have?
>                         >
>                         >     Neal, Isarra, Clif, and Abhay, it's nice to meet you! Do you know of any similar edit-a-thons
>                         happening in Boulder in the
>                         >     coming month that might be in the early stages, like ours is?
>                         >
>                         >     Thank you so much, everyone!
>                         >     Kassondra
>                         >
>                         >
>                         >     On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 1:55 PM Pharos <pharosofalexandria@gmail.com> wrote:
>                         >
>                         >         Hi all,
>                         >
>                         >         I'd like to introduce you to Neal, Isarra, Clif and Abhay, who are all I think more or less
>                         Boulder-based.
>                         >
>                         >         Is your edit-a-thon part of the Art+Feminism campaign in March, or does it have another focus?
>                         >
>                         >         https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Meetup/ArtAndFeminism
>                         >
>                         >         Thanks,
>                         >         Richard
>                         >         (User:Pharos)
>                         >
>                         >         On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 3:11 PM, Jackie Snow <jaclynrisa@gmail.com> wrote:
>                         >
>                         >             That would be 5pm my time so 3 p.m. MT or even 4 would be fine.
>                         >
>                         >
>                         >             On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 10:26 AM Abigail Wise <abwise12@gmail.com> wrote:
>                         >
>                         >                 Thanks so much for all of this helpful information, Erika and Jackie! And nice to connect
>                         with you, Richard!
>                         >
>                         >                 Jackie, if we'd still like to hop on a call, Wednesday works well for me, too, but it
>                         would need to be after 3 p.m.
>                         >                 MT. Kassondra, I know you are traveling this weekend, so let us know when you're
>                         available when you get back to
>                         >                 email!
>                         >
>                         >                 Thanks again, everyone,
>                         >
>                         >                 Abby
>                         >                 [t]ᐧ
>                         >
>                         >                 On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 12:34 PM, Erika Herzog <erika_herzog@yahoo.com> wrote:
>                         >
>                         >                     Hi Kassondra,
>                         >
>                         >                     Apologies for delay in responding.
>                         >
>                         >                     I think there's a Meetup group in Boulder -- you might be able to reach out to some
>                         of the people who attend
>                         >                     and/or organize the events:
>                         >                     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Meetup/Boulder
>                         >
>                         >                     And this Facebook group:
>                         >                     https://www.facebook.com/groups/wikipedia.boulder
>                         >
>                         >                     And a Wiki mailing list:
>                         >                     https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/Wikimedia-US-CO
>                         >
>                         >
>                         >                     I suspect you might already know about these.
>                         >
>                         >                     I'm cc'ing Richard, WM NYC's President, who has a great network of people knowledge
>                         within the Wikimedia /
>                         >                     Wikipedia community -- he might be able to provide more specific connection info.
>                         >
>                         >                     Is your editathon part of Art+Feminism? They have a coordinator now, and I'm sure
>                         might have some collective
>                         >                     materials and might be able to provide assistance.
>                         >
>                         >
>                         >                     If I can skillshare or help at all, let me know. I provide administrative assistance
>                         to a lot of different
>                         >                     initiatives on Wikipedia and if I can help would be happy to do so.
>                         >
>                         >                     Might be helpful to have more specifics / details about the editathon, etc. :-)
>                         >
>                         >                     Best,
>                         >
>                         >                     - Erika
>                         >
>                         >
>                         >
>                         >                      
>                         >                     Erika Herzog
>                         >                     erika_herzog@yahoo.com
>                         >                     erika.herzog@gmail.com
>                         >                     +1-212-749-9601 (cell and home)
>                         >
>                         >
>                         >                   
>                          ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
>                         >                     From: Kassondra Cloos <kassondracloos@gmail.com>
>                         >                     To: Jackie Snow <jaclynrisa@gmail.com>; Abigail Wise <abwise12@gmail.com>
>                         >                     Cc: Erika Herzog <erika_herzog@yahoo.com>
>                         >                     Sent: Friday, February 17, 2017 10:38 AM
>                         >                     Subject: Re: Boulder Wiki event
>                         >
>                         >                     Thank you, Jackie! 
>                         >
>                         >                     I'm copying Abby Wise here, who is co-hosting the Boulder edit-a-thon. I'll be out of
>                         town for the next few
>                         >                     days, but my schedule is pretty flexible next week. I'd love to find a time we can
>                         all talk together. We're
>                         >                     really excited about this! 
>                         >
>                         >
>                         >
>                         >                     On Thu, Feb 16, 2017 at 7:43 AM, Jackie Snow <jaclynrisa@gmail.com> wrote:
>                         >
>                         >                         Hi Kassondra,
>                         >                         So cool about your event. I'd be happy to hop on a call for any questions. I'm
>                         connecting you to Erika
>                         >                         here, who is part of Wikimedia NYC and the event would have been impossible
>                         without her help and knowledge.
>                         >                         Erika, Kassondra got in touch with HGF and is planning their own edit-a-thon in
>                         Boulder for next month. Is
>                         >                         there a Wikimedia chapter out there?
>                         >                         --
>                         >                         Jackie Snow
>                         >                         239.404.9698
>                         >                         www.jsnowphoto.com
>                         >
>                         >
>                         >
>                         >
>                         >                     --
>                         >                     Kassondra Cloos
>                         >                     @kassondracloos
>                         >                     kassondracloos.com
>                         >
>                         >
>                         >
>                         >
>                         >
>                         >
>                         >                 --
>                         >                 Abigail Wise
>                         >
>                         >                 Senior Editor | REI's Adventure Projects
>                         >                 Reported Features Contributor | Romper
>                         >                 www.abigailwise.com
>                         >                 @abigailwise
>                         >                 (651) 324-7341
>                         >                 Subscribe to my newsletter
>                         >
>                         >             --
>                         >             Jackie Snow
>                         >             239.404.9698
>                         >             www.jsnowphoto.com
>                         >
>                         >
>                         >
>                         >     --
>                         >     Kassondra Cloos
>                         >     @kassondracloos
>                         >     kassondracloos.com
>                         >
>                         > --
>                         > Jackie Snow
>                         > 239.404.9698
>                         > www.jsnowphoto.com
>                     --
>                     Abigail Wise
>                     Senior Editor | REI's Adventure Projects
>                     Reported Features Contributor | Romper
>                     www.abigailwise.com
>                     @abigailwise
>                     (651) 324-7341
>                     Subscribe to my newsletter
>                 --
>                 Kassondra Cloos
>                 @kassondracloos
>                 kassondracloos.com
>         --
>         Abigail Wise
>         Senior Editor | REI's Adventure Projects
>         Reported Features Contributor | Romper
>         www.abigailwise.com
>         @abigailwise
>         (651) 324-7341
>         Subscribe to my newsletter
>     --
>     Kassondra Cloos
>     @kassondracloos
>     kassondracloos.com

On Sun, Mar 19, 2017 at 08:11:07PM -0600, Abhay Natu wrote:
> I meant to send this to you all  it ended up only sending it to Kassondra. My apologies.
> Abhay
> p.s. I hope those of you in the Boulder area are unaffected by the wildfire!
> Hello,
> I would love to join you on the 26th 4-6 pm. I am in Colorado Springs so it's a bit of a drive but I'll try to be there.
> As a background, I am not a big editor on English Wikipedia but I do have prolific (if I may say so myself) editing  on Marathi
> Wikipedia. I'm also an admin and a 'crat there.
> I'm hoping to hook into offline activities in Colorado and try to grow it all over the state.
> Thank you for putting this together!
> Hope to see you soon.
> Cheers,
> Abhay
> On Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 9:43 PM, Kassondra Cloos <kassondracloos@gmail.com> wrote:
>     Hi everyone,
>     We're coming up on the event Abby and I are hosting at the end of the month, and I want to circle back on all of this for some
>     additional advice. 
>     Abby and I had a great talk with Jackie about the editing event she hosted in New York. She had some really useful insight for
>     us on on the intricacies of writing and editing on Wikipedia, and we realized there is a lot we don't know. For example, we
>     were both thinking we could give people a list of women who need pages, and send them off to start researching them, but Jackie
>     mentioned that those articles could get deleted by more senior editors if they're written by folks just starting out. We want
>     to make sure we're setting people up with the knowledge and tools they need to build up their experience and become lifelong
>     editors who will regularly add citations, and, hopefully, some day write well-researched entries on important women as they see
>     needs.
>     I think Pharos said you're all based in the Boulder area? If so, we'd love to meet up with one (or all!) of you to learn how we
>     can be a useful resource for the folks attending our event in two weeks. Abby is out of town right now, but I believe she's
>     coming back next week. My schedule is completely open then, and I'm also available this weekend if that works best for anyone.
>     We'd love a bit of a primer on how to get started as editors, and a run-through of the system so that we can give accurate
>     advice during our event.
>     Also, if any of you are interested in joining us at Sanitas for our "Outdoor Women of Wikipedia" event, we'd love to have you
>     all! Jackie mentioned that Erika was an incredible--and necessary--resource for her event, and we will certainly take all the
>     help and expertise we can get. 
>     Thank you so much, everyone, and I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
>     Best,
>     Kassondra
>     P.S. Apologies if I've left someone out here! This chain grew pretty quickly and I thought it would be simpler to reach out to
>     the Colorado folks directly, but please feel free to pass this message along to anyone else in the Wiki community. 
>     On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 10:49 AM, Abigail Wise <abwise12@gmail.com> wrote:
>         Hey everyone,
>         Yes to the 3:30 call tomorrow.
>         We'll be at Sanitas Brewery on March 26 from 4-6pm. One thing to note: We probably don't want to spread the word too widely
>         as we have to cap the guest list at 35.
>         Thanks,
>         Abby
>         [t]ᐧ
>         On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 6:43 PM, Neal McBurnett <neal@bcn.boulder.co.us> wrote:
>             Thanks folks!
>             I got in the conversation late.  What is the time / place / venue / plan you have in mind?
>             Cheers,
>             Neal McBurnett                 http://neal.mcburnett.org/
>             On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 01:27:08AM +0000, Jackie Snow wrote:
>             > 3:30/5:30 sounds great for me. And definitely starting with me and figuring out where you are in the process and what
>             help you need
>             > sounds like a plan. Feel free to break us off into another thread if you set up a conference line (otherwise I'll
>             just expect a
>             > ring!).
>             >
>             > On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 5:06 PM Kassondra Cloos <kassondracloos@gmail.com> wrote:
>             >
>             >     Hi everyone,
>             >
>             >     Sorry for the delay in my response! Thank you so much for connecting us to so many resources and people willing
>             to help. Abby
>             >     and Jackie, Wednesday at 3 or 4 MT works for me, too--let's say 3:30? I'm happy to set up a conference line and
>             send you the
>             >     call-in number. 
>             >
>             >     Richard, we weren't planning this in conjunction with the Art + Feminism campaign, because we hadn't realized
>             that was
>             >     happening. I'm so glad to hear there's a larger movement. Our edit-a-thon sounds like it's aligned with the
>             campaign, and I
>             >     don't see any events on that list yet that are in Boulder. 
>             >
>             >     One slight variation is that we have been planning to put an outdoor spin on this event, since we live in a
>             community full of
>             >     adventure writers and people who work in the outdoor industry. We have started a list of women who fit this
>             category and are
>             >     not yet recognized on Wikipedia. Beyond that, we have picked a date, time, and venue, but have not yet started
>             spreading the
>             >     word. Jackie, I'm really looking forward to hearing how you got people excited about this and dedicated to
>             following through at
>             >     HGF's event. Perhaps we should start there and then we'll circle back with the rest of you on any questions we
>             may have?
>             >
>             >     Neal, Isarra, Clif, and Abhay, it's nice to meet you! Do you know of any similar edit-a-thons happening in
>             Boulder in the
>             >     coming month that might be in the early stages, like ours is?
>             >
>             >     Thank you so much, everyone!
>             >     Kassondra
>             >
>             >
>             >     On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 1:55 PM Pharos <pharosofalexandria@gmail.com> wrote:
>             >
>             >         Hi all,
>             >
>             >         I'd like to introduce you to Neal, Isarra, Clif and Abhay, who are all I think more or less Boulder-based.
>             >
>             >         Is your edit-a-thon part of the Art+Feminism campaign in March, or does it have another focus?
>             >
>             >         https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Meetup/ArtAndFeminism
>             >
>             >         Thanks,
>             >         Richard
>             >         (User:Pharos)
>             >
>             >         On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 3:11 PM, Jackie Snow <jaclynrisa@gmail.com> wrote:
>             >
>             >             That would be 5pm my time so 3 p.m. MT or even 4 would be fine.
>             >
>             >
>             >             On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 10:26 AM Abigail Wise <abwise12@gmail.com> wrote:
>             >
>             >                 Thanks so much for all of this helpful information, Erika and Jackie! And nice to connect with you,
>             Richard!
>             >
>             >                 Jackie, if we'd still like to hop on a call, Wednesday works well for me, too, but it would need to
>             be after 3 p.m.
>             >                 MT. Kassondra, I know you are traveling this weekend, so let us know when you're available when you
>             get back to
>             >                 email!
>             >
>             >                 Thanks again, everyone,
>             >
>             >                 Abby
>             >                 [t]ᐧ
>             >
>             >                 On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 12:34 PM, Erika Herzog <erika_herzog@yahoo.com> wrote:
>             >
>             >                     Hi Kassondra,
>             >
>             >                     Apologies for delay in responding.
>             >
>             >                     I think there's a Meetup group in Boulder -- you might be able to reach out to some of the people
>             who attend
>             >                     and/or organize the events:
>             >                     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Meetup/Boulder
>             >
>             >                     And this Facebook group:
>             >                     https://www.facebook.com/groups/wikipedia.boulder
>             >
>             >                     And a Wiki mailing list:
>             >                     https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/Wikimedia-US-CO
>             >
>             >
>             >                     I suspect you might already know about these.
>             >
>             >                     I'm cc'ing Richard, WM NYC's President, who has a great network of people knowledge within the
>             Wikimedia /
>             >                     Wikipedia community -- he might be able to provide more specific connection info.
>             >
>             >                     Is your editathon part of Art+Feminism? They have a coordinator now, and I'm sure might have some
>             collective
>             >                     materials and might be able to provide assistance.
>             >
>             >
>             >                     If I can skillshare or help at all, let me know. I provide administrative assistance to a lot of
>             different
>             >                     initiatives on Wikipedia and if I can help would be happy to do so.
>             >
>             >                     Might be helpful to have more specifics / details about the editathon, etc. :-)
>             >
>             >                     Best,
>             >
>             >                     - Erika
>             >
>             >
>             >
>             >                      
>             >                     Erika Herzog
>             >                     erika_herzog@yahoo.com
>             >                     erika.herzog@gmail.com
>             >                     +1-212-749-9601 (cell and home)
>             >
>             >
>             >                     ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
>             ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
>             >                     From: Kassondra Cloos <kassondracloos@gmail.com>
>             >                     To: Jackie Snow <jaclynrisa@gmail.com>; Abigail Wise <abwise12@gmail.com>
>             >                     Cc: Erika Herzog <erika_herzog@yahoo.com>
>             >                     Sent: Friday, February 17, 2017 10:38 AM
>             >                     Subject: Re: Boulder Wiki event
>             >
>             >                     Thank you, Jackie! 
>             >
>             >                     I'm copying Abby Wise here, who is co-hosting the Boulder edit-a-thon. I'll be out of town for
>             the next few
>             >                     days, but my schedule is pretty flexible next week. I'd love to find a time we can all talk
>             together. We're
>             >                     really excited about this! 
>             >
>             >
>             >
>             >                     On Thu, Feb 16, 2017 at 7:43 AM, Jackie Snow <jaclynrisa@gmail.com> wrote:
>             >
>             >                         Hi Kassondra,
>             >                         So cool about your event. I'd be happy to hop on a call for any questions. I'm connecting you
>             to Erika
>             >                         here, who is part of Wikimedia NYC and the event would have been impossible without her help
>             and knowledge.
>             >                         Erika, Kassondra got in touch with HGF and is planning their own edit-a-thon in Boulder for
>             next month. Is
>             >                         there a Wikimedia chapter out there?
>             >                         --
>             >                         Jackie Snow
>             >                         239.404.9698
>             >                         www.jsnowphoto.com
>             >
>             >
>             >
>             >
>             >                     --
>             >                     Kassondra Cloos
>             >                     @kassondracloos
>             >                     kassondracloos.com
>             >
>             >
>             >
>             >
>             >
>             >
>             >                 --
>             >                 Abigail Wise
>             >
>             >                 Senior Editor | REI's Adventure Projects
>             >                 Reported Features Contributor | Romper
>             >                 www.abigailwise.com
>             >                 @abigailwise
>             >                 (651) 324-7341
>             >                 Subscribe to my newsletter
>             >
>             >             --
>             >             Jackie Snow
>             >             239.404.9698
>             >             www.jsnowphoto.com
>             >
>             >
>             >
>             >     --
>             >     Kassondra Cloos
>             >     @kassondracloos
>             >     kassondracloos.com
>             >
>             > --
>             > Jackie Snow
>             > 239.404.9698
>             > www.jsnowphoto.com
>         --
>         Abigail Wise
>         Senior Editor | REI's Adventure Projects
>         Reported Features Contributor | Romper
>         www.abigailwise.com
>         @abigailwise
>         (651) 324-7341
>         Subscribe to my newsletter
>     --
>     Kassondra Cloos
>     @kassondracloos
>     kassondracloos.com
> --
> Keep it simple.
> As simple as possible.
> But no simpler. --- A. Einstein

On Mon, Mar 20, 2017 at 02:12:07AM +0000, Isarra Yos wrote:
> Oh, awesome.
> -I
> On 20/03/17 02:11, Abhay Natu wrote:
>     I meant to send this to you all  it ended up only sending it to Kassondra. My apologies.
>     Abhay
>     p.s. I hope those of you in the Boulder area are unaffected by the wildfire!
>     Hello,
>     I would love to join you on the 26th 4-6 pm. I am in Colorado Springs so it's a bit of a drive but I'll try to be there.
>     As a background, I am not a big editor on English Wikipedia but I do have prolific (if I may say so myself) editing  on Marathi
>     Wikipedia. I'm also an admin and a 'crat there.
>     I'm hoping to hook into offline activities in Colorado and try to grow it all over the state.
>     Thank you for putting this together!
>     Hope to see you soon.
>     Cheers,
>     Abhay
>     On Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 9:43 PM, Kassondra Cloos <kassondracloos@gmail.com> wrote:
>         Hi everyone,
>         We're coming up on the event Abby and I are hosting at the end of the month, and I want to circle back on all of this for
>         some additional advice. 
>         Abby and I had a great talk with Jackie about the editing event she hosted in New York. She had some really useful insight
>         for us on on the intricacies of writing and editing on Wikipedia, and we realized there is a lot we don't know. For
>         example, we were both thinking we could give people a list of women who need pages, and send them off to start researching
>         them, but Jackie mentioned that those articles could get deleted by more senior editors if they're written by folks just
>         starting out. We want to make sure we're setting people up with the knowledge and tools they need to build up their
>         experience and become lifelong editors who will regularly add citations, and, hopefully, some day write well-researched
>         entries on important women as they see needs.
>         I think Pharos said you're all based in the Boulder area? If so, we'd love to meet up with one (or all!) of you to learn
>         how we can be a useful resource for the folks attending our event in two weeks. Abby is out of town right now, but I
>         believe she's coming back next week. My schedule is completely open then, and I'm also available this weekend if that works
>         best for anyone. We'd love a bit of a primer on how to get started as editors, and a run-through of the system so that we
>         can give accurate advice during our event.
>         Also, if any of you are interested in joining us at Sanitas for our "Outdoor Women of Wikipedia" event, we'd love to have
>         you all! Jackie mentioned that Erika was an incredible--and necessary--resource for her event, and we will certainly take
>         all the help and expertise we can get. 
>         Thank you so much, everyone, and I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
>         Best,
>         Kassondra
>         P.S. Apologies if I've left someone out here! This chain grew pretty quickly and I thought it would be simpler to reach out
>         to the Colorado folks directly, but please feel free to pass this message along to anyone else in the Wiki community. 
>         On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 10:49 AM, Abigail Wise <abwise12@gmail.com> wrote:
>             Hey everyone,
>             Yes to the 3:30 call tomorrow.
>             We'll be at Sanitas Brewery on March 26 from 4-6pm. One thing to note: We probably don't want to spread the word too
>             widely as we have to cap the guest list at 35.
>             Thanks,
>             Abby
>             [t]ᐧ
>             On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 6:43 PM, Neal McBurnett <neal@bcn.boulder.co.us> wrote:
>                 Thanks folks!
>                 I got in the conversation late.  What is the time / place / venue / plan you have in mind?
>                 Cheers,
>                 Neal McBurnett                 http://neal.mcburnett.org/
>                 On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 01:27:08AM +0000, Jackie Snow wrote:
>                 > 3:30/5:30 sounds great for me. And definitely starting with me and figuring out where you are in the process and
>                 what help you need
>                 > sounds like a plan. Feel free to break us off into another thread if you set up a conference line (otherwise I'll
>                 just expect a
>                 > ring!).
>                 >
>                 > On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 5:06 PM Kassondra Cloos <kassondracloos@gmail.com> wrote:
>                 >
>                 >     Hi everyone,
>                 >
>                 >     Sorry for the delay in my response! Thank you so much for connecting us to so many resources and people
>                 willing to help. Abby
>                 >     and Jackie, Wednesday at 3 or 4 MT works for me, too--let's say 3:30? I'm happy to set up a conference line
>                 and send you the
>                 >     call-in number. 
>                 >
>                 >     Richard, we weren't planning this in conjunction with the Art + Feminism campaign, because we hadn't realized
>                 that was
>                 >     happening. I'm so glad to hear there's a larger movement. Our edit-a-thon sounds like it's aligned with the
>                 campaign, and I
>                 >     don't see any events on that list yet that are in Boulder. 
>                 >
>                 >     One slight variation is that we have been planning to put an outdoor spin on this event, since we live in a
>                 community full of
>                 >     adventure writers and people who work in the outdoor industry. We have started a list of women who fit this
>                 category and are
>                 >     not yet recognized on Wikipedia. Beyond that, we have picked a date, time, and venue, but have not yet
>                 started spreading the
>                 >     word. Jackie, I'm really looking forward to hearing how you got people excited about this and dedicated to
>                 following through at
>                 >     HGF's event. Perhaps we should start there and then we'll circle back with the rest of you on any questions
>                 we may have?
>                 >
>                 >     Neal, Isarra, Clif, and Abhay, it's nice to meet you! Do you know of any similar edit-a-thons happening in
>                 Boulder in the
>                 >     coming month that might be in the early stages, like ours is?
>                 >
>                 >     Thank you so much, everyone!
>                 >     Kassondra
>                 >
>                 >
>                 >     On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 1:55 PM Pharos <pharosofalexandria@gmail.com> wrote:
>                 >
>                 >         Hi all,
>                 >
>                 >         I'd like to introduce you to Neal, Isarra, Clif and Abhay, who are all I think more or less
>                 Boulder-based.
>                 >
>                 >         Is your edit-a-thon part of the Art+Feminism campaign in March, or does it have another focus?
>                 >
>                 >         https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Meetup/ArtAndFeminism
>                 >
>                 >         Thanks,
>                 >         Richard
>                 >         (User:Pharos)
>                 >
>                 >         On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 3:11 PM, Jackie Snow <jaclynrisa@gmail.com> wrote:
>                 >
>                 >             That would be 5pm my time so 3 p.m. MT or even 4 would be fine.
>                 >
>                 >
>                 >             On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 10:26 AM Abigail Wise <abwise12@gmail.com> wrote:
>                 >
>                 >                 Thanks so much for all of this helpful information, Erika and Jackie! And nice to connect with
>                 you, Richard!
>                 >
>                 >                 Jackie, if we'd still like to hop on a call, Wednesday works well for me, too, but it would need
>                 to be after 3 p.m.
>                 >                 MT. Kassondra, I know you are traveling this weekend, so let us know when you're available when
>                 you get back to
>                 >                 email!
>                 >
>                 >                 Thanks again, everyone,
>                 >
>                 >                 Abby
>                 >                 [t]ᐧ
>                 >
>                 >                 On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 12:34 PM, Erika Herzog <erika_herzog@yahoo.com> wrote:
>                 >
>                 >                     Hi Kassondra,
>                 >
>                 >                     Apologies for delay in responding.
>                 >
>                 >                     I think there's a Meetup group in Boulder -- you might be able to reach out to some of the
>                 people who attend
>                 >                     and/or organize the events:
>                 >                     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Meetup/Boulder
>                 >
>                 >                     And this Facebook group:
>                 >                     https://www.facebook.com/groups/wikipedia.boulder
>                 >
>                 >                     And a Wiki mailing list:
>                 >                     https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/Wikimedia-US-CO
>                 >
>                 >
>                 >                     I suspect you might already know about these.
>                 >
>                 >                     I'm cc'ing Richard, WM NYC's President, who has a great network of people knowledge within
>                 the Wikimedia /
>                 >                     Wikipedia community -- he might be able to provide more specific connection info.
>                 >
>                 >                     Is your editathon part of Art+Feminism? They have a coordinator now, and I'm sure might have
>                 some collective
>                 >                     materials and might be able to provide assistance.
>                 >
>                 >
>                 >                     If I can skillshare or help at all, let me know. I provide administrative assistance to a lot
>                 of different
>                 >                     initiatives on Wikipedia and if I can help would be happy to do so.
>                 >
>                 >                     Might be helpful to have more specifics / details about the editathon, etc. :-)
>                 >
>                 >                     Best,
>                 >
>                 >                     - Erika
>                 >
>                 >
>                 >
>                 >                      
>                 >                     Erika Herzog
>                 >                     erika_herzog@yahoo.com
>                 >                     erika.herzog@gmail.com
>                 >                     +1-212-749-9601 (cell and home)
>                 >
>                 >
>                 >                     ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
>                 ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
>                 >                     From: Kassondra Cloos <kassondracloos@gmail.com>
>                 >                     To: Jackie Snow <jaclynrisa@gmail.com>; Abigail Wise <abwise12@gmail.com>
>                 >                     Cc: Erika Herzog <erika_herzog@yahoo.com>
>                 >                     Sent: Friday, February 17, 2017 10:38 AM
>                 >                     Subject: Re: Boulder Wiki event
>                 >
>                 >                     Thank you, Jackie! 
>                 >
>                 >                     I'm copying Abby Wise here, who is co-hosting the Boulder edit-a-thon. I'll be out of town
>                 for the next few
>                 >                     days, but my schedule is pretty flexible next week. I'd love to find a time we can all talk
>                 together. We're
>                 >                     really excited about this! 
>                 >
>                 >
>                 >
>                 >                     On Thu, Feb 16, 2017 at 7:43 AM, Jackie Snow <jaclynrisa@gmail.com> wrote:
>                 >
>                 >                         Hi Kassondra,
>                 >                         So cool about your event. I'd be happy to hop on a call for any questions. I'm connecting
>                 you to Erika
>                 >                         here, who is part of Wikimedia NYC and the event would have been impossible without her
>                 help and knowledge.
>                 >                         Erika, Kassondra got in touch with HGF and is planning their own edit-a-thon in Boulder
>                 for next month. Is
>                 >                         there a Wikimedia chapter out there?
>                 >                         --
>                 >                         Jackie Snow
>                 >                         239.404.9698
>                 >                         www.jsnowphoto.com
>                 >
>                 >
>                 >
>                 >
>                 >                     --
>                 >                     Kassondra Cloos
>                 >                     @kassondracloos
>                 >                     kassondracloos.com
>                 >
>                 >
>                 >
>                 >
>                 >
>                 >
>                 >                 --
>                 >                 Abigail Wise
>                 >
>                 >                 Senior Editor | REI's Adventure Projects
>                 >                 Reported Features Contributor | Romper
>                 >                 www.abigailwise.com
>                 >                 @abigailwise
>                 >                 (651) 324-7341
>                 >                 Subscribe to my newsletter
>                 >
>                 >             --
>                 >             Jackie Snow
>                 >             239.404.9698
>                 >             www.jsnowphoto.com
>                 >
>                 >
>                 >
>                 >     --
>                 >     Kassondra Cloos
>                 >     @kassondracloos
>                 >     kassondracloos.com
>                 >
>                 > --
>                 > Jackie Snow
>                 > 239.404.9698
>                 > www.jsnowphoto.com
>             --
>             Abigail Wise
>             Senior Editor | REI's Adventure Projects
>             Reported Features Contributor | Romper
>             www.abigailwise.com
>             @abigailwise
>             (651) 324-7341
>             Subscribe to my newsletter
>         --
>         Kassondra Cloos
>         @kassondracloos
>         kassondracloos.com
>     --
>     Keep it simple.
>     As simple as possible.
>     But no simpler. --- A. Einstein