
Угорська вікіспільнота хоче відзначити річницю Угорської революції 1956 року.
Вони пропонують зробити тематичний місяць/тиждень присвячений цій події,
формат схожий на CEE Spring.

Чи є волонтери, які взялися б за це?
Вікімедіа Україна може забезпечити підтримку працівниками, сувенірами, але потрібно, щоб був хтось, хто візьметься за організаційну частину.

З повагою,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Samat <samat78@gmail.com>
Date: 2016-09-20 0:49 GMT+03:00
Subject: [WMCEE-l] Hungarian Revolution of 1956 article writing contest
To: A list for Wikimedians from Central and Eastern Europe <wmcee-l@tools.wikimedia.pl>
Cc: huwiki-egyesulet <huwiki-egyesulet@googlegroups.com>

Dear All,

Hungary celebrates the 60 year anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 [1] in October 2016. The revolution had a big impact not only on the Hungarian history in the second half of the 20th century, but also on the whole "Eastern Bloc", and indirectly (several 100 thousands of Hungarians moved to other countries all over the world as refugees) on the whole world.

Wikimedia Hungary will organize an article writing contest and an edit-a-thon for this anniversary (in the frame of a cooperation with a university and with a library), and I had an idea, that this could be even an international (regional) contest.

(Polish Institute in Budapest wanted to support the contest with special prizes for the articles related to Poland, but most of the articles in this topic are already written. But what about the articles in Polish language?? :)

The idea is simple: writing or significantly improving Wikipedia articles on many languages in this topic (not only in history, but also in many other effected fields, like literature, arts, films, etc.). We can make it easy: we only need one coordinator per country, some hours of work with the article lists (for example in matrix format like for the CEE Spring), making some publicity in the local community (+CentralNotice?) and a way to judge the best submissions at the end (jury or community based judgement). We can discuss about the prizes: WM-HU has (limited) possibilities to offer reasonable international prizes if it is necessary.

I prepared a page (structure) on meta for the contest [2]
Please let me know your thoughts. I hope, many of you like the idea and will join.


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