FYI, 一年兩次的維基媒體會議又來了,有興趣參加者請告知。


Ted / 眼鏡虎

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Pavel Richter <>
Date: 2010/1/21
Subject: [Chapters] Wikimedia Conference 2010 - An Invitation to Berlin
Cc:, Sue Gardner <>

Dear Chapters,

I would like to invite you to the 2010 Wikimedia Conference to Berlin!
We will have the MediaWiki Developer Meet-Up (14.-15. April 2010), the Chapters Meeting (16.-18. April 2010) and the meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Wikimedia Foundation. This will be a great opportunity to meet, to discuss interesting topics, to network and to exchange ideas and thoughts!

Wikimedia Germany will host the event, so we will organize the venue, the hotel(s), some fun things to do in Berlin, food & drinks and lots of other things - and there might even be a party :-)
But there is more, of course: we need someone who fills Guillaume´s role from last year, so someone who can coordinate with the chapters, communicates with them, helps them organizing their attendance, and so on. This is not the "on the ground" planning in Berlin, but to coordinate the scheduling and the programm of the conference with all other chapters.
I am looking for someone available as soon as possible, who can fill this position on a part-time basis. If you are interested in this job or know someone, please contact me directly. The position is not based in Berlin, and it is paid for by Wikimedia Germany. Candidates need a *very* good understanding of Wikimedia Chapters, *very* good organizational skills and he or she speaks English fluently.

We need to work together as chapters, to make this a great event for all of us. I look forward to your input, your ideas and your support - and to meet you all in Berlin!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Pavel Richter
Executive Director
Wikimedia Deutschland e.V.
Eisenacher Straße 2
10777 Berlin

Telefon 030 - 219 158 26-0

Wikimedia Deutschland - Gesellschaft zur Förderung Freien Wissens e. V. Eingetragen im Vereinsregister des Amtsgerichts Berlin-Charlottenburg unter der Nummer 23855 Nz. Als gemeinnützig anerkannt durch das Finanzamt für Körperschaften I Berlin, Steuernummer 27/681/51985.

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