基金會專案補助款計劃在徵求《專案補助款專案建議委員會》成員,有意願者可在 8 月 20 日前提出申請。
Ted Chien
-- Sent from my HTC One
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寄件者:"Asaf Bartov" <abartov(a)wikimedia.org>
日期:2013/7/13 上午7:49
主旨:[Wikimedia-l] The GAC wants you!
收件者:"Wikimedia Mailing List" <wikimedia-l(a)lists.wikimedia.org>
Hello, everyone.
We could use some fresh b--- er, volunteers! -- in the Grant Advisory
Committee (GAC). As you may know, the GAC are community volunteers who are
explicitly invited[1] to review and evaluate grant proposals made in the
Wikimedia Foundation Grants Program[2], and offer advice to both grant
applicants and the Foundation.
Read all about it on the Candidates page[3]. New members will be inducted
Aug 20th 2013, so be sure to step forward before then! :)
Please help this message reach as many people as possible, by relaying it
to appropriate lists and village pumps.
[1] _everyone_ is implicitly invited!
[2] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grants:Index
[3] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Grant_Advisory_Committee/Candidates
Asaf Bartov
Wikimedia Foundation <http://www.wikimediafoundation.org>
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