Dear all, as you know, I went to Egypt to attend The WikiArabia conference, and I just wanted to tell you what I did. As I was the presenter of the group, I talked about our activities(Wiki Loves Africa, monuments and earth, the workshops, the photos of Sami)  and our future projects(WikiWomen, MedinaPedia Dougga and Sfax, the education program, the Glam project and its new partnerships..WikiIndaba2018, WikiArabia2019 and WikiConvention 2020) . My presentation was about the project MedinaPedia, the fact that I couldn’t start the project of WikiClubs.  I have had a significant amount of positive feedback, especially from Andy Mabbett.

Please find below a link to my presentation:

I could not attend all the presentations, but among the presentations I liked was the one of Azniv Stepanian, she talked about her experience with the WikiCamp, I hope we can do that one day, and the one of JAck Rabah, he talked about “Increasing awareness of Wikipedia”. He showed us this video( ),  I don’t know if we can do something similar in Tunisia.


  • Possible new projects of MedinaPedia in Jordania and Algeria.

I talked about that with Nidhal Jarrar, Jack Rabah(from Jordania) and Mohamed Bachounda(from Algeria).

  • Many new pictures of the 7 Churches in Old Cairo, the Roman Catholic tombs and many other places, on commons. I’m uploading them.