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From: Ingo Koll <ikoll@gmx.de>
Date: 2017-12-18 16:26 GMT+01:00
Subject: Re: [African Wikimedians] African-Wikimedians Digest, WikiIndaba Tunis in March 2018
To: african-wikimedians@lists.wikimedia.org

Hi everybody
I was asked from the Tanzanian group about upcoming WikiIndaba. When I open the site https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WikiIndaba_conference_2018, I find it still with many empty spaces and some information in between.

Altogether I find the site not easy to navigate. To find the sub page where to register is a challenge.
It is hidden at the end under "documentation" , I do not get it via "Registration & Participants" where I looked for it. Maybe that can be made easier?

3 more remarks:
a) there is a deadline for scholarships until Mid-January but "Apply for a scholarship" leads nowhere
b) What to do with the many questions at https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WikiIndaba_conference_2018/Questions_for_application_form ? Copy the text into an email and answer there? It is better to put some advice there.
c) we are asked to register interest for participation under the headline "Questions and Needs" https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WikiIndaba_conference_2018/Questions_%26_Needs". That is not so clear among the meany headings on the page that this is the one to start with

I wish for the team good energy in their preparations!
!! حظ سعيد
Ingo - Kipala

African-Wikimedians mailing list

Sami Mlouhi

Member of Wikimedia TN User Group.