Dear Wikimedians, 

First of all, I'd like to thank the co-founders Habib and Yamen for getting back to our report after this long period. I assume this would've taken so much time and energy but I appreciate that you prioritised our Wikimedia Community health.  

I'd like to draw the attention of all the members to the fact that the members who complained are "Active Wikimedians" that happens to be Carthagina members as well. I believe this doesn't make their complaints less important or less credible. 

Let's be clear about something, the suspension of Mounir's membership is not only related to Carthagina as a partner organisation. May I remind all of you that when I informed you of our decision (attached pdf), I also informed you all in this mailing list of my concerns as a Wikimedian about some of Mounir's behaviour. It took him more than two weeks to get back to Habib with an answer that I qualify as non-serious. 

On my capacity as Carthagina's president, along with the Human Resources Responsible Jamel Ben Saidane, we contacted Mounir Touzri couple of weeks before our decision to address him privately the reported issues from Zeineb and Afek and the endorsing complaint by other Carthaginers/Wikimedians i.e Sami and Issam. He didn't take it seriously neither. 

The decision that we took, as a community, wasn't based on couple of emails or only complaints. It came after months of calls back and forth with Mounir and the other affected members. It came after several reported incidents.

Dear Mounir, it's not Afek who 'betrayed you'! May I remind you of how many times you called me since Zeineb was accepted to attend WikiIndaba (when none of the community applied except her and Youssef Ben Hadj Yahia). You kept nagging and complaining about her attendance. You escalated the nagging when our WM community agreed to send her to the GLAM meeting as the only interested GLAM working member ?! May I remind you as well what I told you back then; and I have to talk here about the internal work of Carthagina: Zeineb is the responsible member of the GLAM project and the partnership between Carthagina and the Diocesan Library; at that time she was covering the Library's Director Fr Marc who went on a mission to Brussels. The decision that was taken in Carthagina was that Zeineb would prioritise of course the Library and Carthagina's work upon her volunteer work on the GLAM project which would be on hold until she could handle the situation.
Zeineb was one of the most devoted members in Carthagina to coordinate with you our joint work (i.e WLM, WLA, and other workshops...). Your reaction toward this collaboration was one of the issues addresses! That made us want to review our work with you. 
If you think she didn't do enough effort, I'm afraid that the different committees that accepted her applications to attend the different conferences don't share the same view as you. 

You even confirmed to Jamel and myself that you wanted to delete some of her GLAM work on purpose because she was using the WM camera and didn't want to send it to you.

Calling someone constantly is a hassle, yelling on him at the phone is disrespectful and not acceptable. Calling other members to devalue her work and insult her is definitely considered as gossiping. I hope you still remember that you did it. 

That behaviour is never accepted, first under the Wikimedia Friend Space Policy, second within Carthagina as you were addressing to different members, and a founding member, the Secretary General in the frame of a joint project. 

As a team in Carthagina, we are transparent, we behave and care about eachothers wellbeing. This is what led everyone to report the buylling. Nobody wants this to happen to a teammate neither to him one day.

As for Influencing the vote, you should know that more than any new member to our WM community that you must not be reaching out to people on and off-line to recommend anyone. For some people you were their trainer one day and this would influence their decision, not saying about asking to vote for a specific person. Sending out candidacy info to mailing lists or sharing it on social media without naming a particular person is not influencing. I can remind you personally how Asaf Bartov warnned you once on FB to not ask people to vote for a specific picture during the WLA community award. 

It also surprises me that you deny that Afek told you about her project idea months ago! She was open about it (as anyone in this community) and asked for help to make it happen. 

I'd be interested as well to read your accusations toward Zeineb, as I previously sent you when reaching out before taking our decision.  

To the community, and the co-founders, I'd like to highlight again that our decision toward Mounir was voted unanimously by Carthagina's Board of Trustees, Board of Advisors, Executive team, Members and Members-Observers. I am attaching as well the statement released by our Legal Advisor endorsing our decision.

Finally, I say it again, it wasn't easy to take this decision in our community. Mounir's work and collaboration were never undervalued but his behaviour toward our members led us to this tough decision. 


On Fri, Sep 22, 2017 at 11:37 PM, Mounir Touzri <> wrote:
Dear all members of wikimedia TN users,

It seems like my first email was not convincing enough, I noticed that from your responses and I believe that this weakens my position and gives a biased form of the reality.
I will recall all the accusations and my responses in a clear way:  

1- insulting Zeineb and devaluing her work
* I did not insult Zaineb. If Zaineb have another view, I invite her to share details ?
* Yes, I think that Zaineb didn't make a sufficient work to participate to conferences. This is my personal belive that I shared with Afek and Afek betrayed me and passed information to Zaineb. Who is doing the gossiping in this cas ? Can Afek deny that ?

2- Harassing Afek and trying to influence her to split Carthagina and Wikimedia TNUG members.
* I didn't tried to influence her. If she has details, I invite her to share ?

3- Afek reported as well that Mounir has stolen one of her ideas of Wiki University Clubs.
* I didn't stole the Idea from Afek for two reasons:
  1) I proposed the idea on meta befor Afek, I proposed the idea in February (link) and she mentioned it on July . Who is first ?
  2) Her idea is to target University and my Idea is to target a high school, and both are in different places. For these two reasons, I ask Afek to apologize for saying that I stole her Idea. Otherwise, I consider this as a defamation. 

4- Side conversations took place containing gossiping, shouting on the phone and depreciation toward these members.
* I explained who is gossiping above. I didn't shout on the phone. After all, why I have to shout ?

5- influencing voting
* This is not a valid accusation because I have all the right to recommand a person without forcing and this is what I did. You can also see in the mailing list or wikimedia facebook pages some members request voting to get a grant or to go to a conference or to win a contest. Are they influencing vote also ?

6- the grants that Mounir is receiving without letting us know... when we all agreed that all grant requests should be known by the community and go through our unique fiscal sponsor CLibre.
* I let the community know about the grant (see attached capture of an email sent on 25/12/2016). The decision of grants should go through our unique fiscal sponsor CLibre was taken during the conference of Sousse. How can I apply a decision before it was made ?

In another hand, I have other information approving that Zainab  didn't respect codes of conducts of our community. I can share them in a closed meeting/mailing under request of co-founders.

I kindly request from co-founders that they listen from the both sides. I demonstrated some facts in this email and I think who practise the gossiping and who make defmations are also breaking code of conducts and Wikimedia Foundation's Community health initiative. Are they going to be banned them from WMTNUG as well ?

Finally, I would like to thank all who stand with me, and say Allah Ysamah for all who judged whithout gathering sufficient information.After all of this, it will be uncomfortable to work within the group which I animated most of its activities and worked days and nights for its prosperity.

Kind regards,

2017-09-22 22:40 GMT+01:00 hamed gamaoun <>:
Dear All, 

Sorry, Complaining about The decision "Made by" Mounir about who will go to this conference and who will go to the other is out of true.

Representing WMTNUG in international conference is by voting from all members as the previous one check this link"" or by submitting as happened to previous conferences like Wikiconvention and Wikiarabia 

As far, I know if joining this community is after all to share knowledge and information between members, creating and releasing workshop and photowalks to share this movement locally as previously done.

So, if the purpose of joining this community just to travel abroad, that will be a Shame!


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