أعضاء  ويكيميديا  تونس 

أولا وقبل كل شيء أنا آسف لتأخير جوابي كما أشكر حبيب على الرد الرزين و المتعقل ،
هذه الرسالة  خطيرة  جدا  و هنالك العديد  من  المغالطات، ثانيا سأجيب فقط على  الأسئلة  التي طلبها  مني حبيب  ،
، كان هدفي  دوما  دعم  مجتمع  ويكيميديا  تونس  بكل الطرق لكن و للأسف  بعض الأعضاء  لا يرغبون  بي في  المجموعة،
أولا بالنسبة  للإهانة و المضايقة  انا لم أقم بذالك 

ثانيا  بالنسبة  للأصوات  نعم اقترحت  على   بعض الأعضاء  دعم  عضو  معين  لحضور  مؤتمر  و لم افرض  عليهم  التصويت  له  ، فقط كان اقتراح و هذا لكي  يتمكن  كل الاعضاء  من المشاركة  في  مؤتمرات  ويكيميديا  وتحفيز  كل الأعضاء  و كان كل الاعضاء  متفقين  في هذه النقطة  بعد الاتصال  بهم مع العلم العضو المقترح لم يشارك في أي مؤتمر سابق ، و على كل حال كل  شخص حر في رأيه  و كانوا  قادرين  على  التصويت  لشخص آخر  او رفض  التصويت  مثل باقي  الأعضاء  
بالنسبة  للمنح أولا  يجب التذكير  هنالك  نوعان  من  المنح  منح شخصية  و منح  مع مجموعات  انا لم أقم بتقديم  طلب  منحة  باسم  ويكيميديا  تونس بعد اجتماع سوسة​   و بالنسبة  للمنحة الشخصية  فهو  أمر شخصي بيني  و بين مؤسسة  ويكيميديا  و لا علاقة  له  بالمجموعة ، مع العلم  تم ذكر هذا الموضوع  في  اجتماع  سوسة، كل شخص يمكنه أن يقدم طلب  منحة  شخصية  و يتحمل  المسؤولية  كاملة  مع مؤسسة  ويكيميديا و لا دخل للمجموعة  بهذه المنحة، و هذا  الأمر  يقومون  به  في كل الدول ، 

بمناسبة  المنح يجب القيام  بمنحة  سريعة  أو إرجاع  المبلغ  المتبقي للمؤسسة  في خصوص  المبلغ  المتبقي  من  منحة  اجتماع  سوسة 

أخيرا  انا اسف  على  هذا  الأمر و حز  في  نفسي  بعد ثلاث  سنوات  كعضو  في  المجموعة  ان اجد نفسي  في  هذا الموقف ، 

2017-08-14 16:11 GMT+01:00 Habib M'henni <habib.mhenni@gmail.com>:
Dear Mounir,

Can you please comment this issue?
By the end of this week (Sunday, August 20th) we will move to the next step on discussions.


Habib Mhenni
On behalf of the Wikimedia TN User Group (legal final agreement signer)

De : Habib M'henni <habib.mhenni@wikimedia.tn>
Envoyé : 7 août 2017 14:24:10 GMT+01:00
À : Emna Mizouni <emna.mizouni@gmail.com>, Wikimedia TN User Group Mailing List <wikimedia-tn@lists.wikimedia.org>, Yamen Bousrih <bousrihyamen@yahoo.com>
Objet : Re: [Wikimedia-tn] Reporting an issue from [Carthagina]

Dear Emna,
Thanks for sharing this report with our community. Carthagina and it's members belong in our beliefs and concerns about sharing knowledge and preserving our heritage. We are still pleased to collaborate together to promote our activities in a safety way.

Dear Wikimedians of the *Wikimedia TN User Group* we (as Co-founder of the group) are very sorry to hear such statements.

Mounir is a very active member and helped so much to achieve many of our programs.

Dear Mounir, I would hear about your comments upon this points:
1. Do you confirm any of these behaviours from the report?
2. If not, would you explain to our community what did really happened, and I insist about
a- the *harassment* point ;
b- gossiping (vote issues) ;
c- asking grants without informing the community.

Dear members, please abstain from any comments until Mounir replies.
I remind you that this ML is not restricted (views).


Habib M'henni

Le 7 août 2017 11:51:48 GMT+01:00, Emna Mizouni <emna.mizouni@gmail.com> a écrit :

Dear co-founders of the group,

Dear Wikimedia TN User Group members,

I trust my email finds you all in good shape. I'm writing to you on my capacity as Carthagina current President.

I’m addressing this email to the co-founders of the group as the legitimate co-chairs and to the community as well because we are partners in several successful projects (MedinaPedia, GLAM) and contests (WLM, WLA,...). We strongly value this partnership and we would like to maintain it for more joint work (the ongoing GLAM project in the Diocesan Library, the upcoming photo contests, the next MedinaPedia Dougga and Sfax,...).

I would like to report an issue between a member of this community and some members of my team - Carthagina that has gone bigger than expected.

In Carthagina, we value people and we value our team's work and of course our partners. Partner for once, partner forever. We, as well, prioritise the diversity and homogeneity of the team.

Jamel Ben Saidane (a wikimedian and Human Resources Officer - Carthagina) and I received a complaint from Afek Ben Chahed and Zeineb Takouti, two members of Carthagina and active Wikimedians. They reported several times the misbehaviour of the Wikimedian Mounir Touzri. The situation kept escalating to the point of insulting Zeineb and devaluing her work. Harassing Afek and trying to influence her to split Carthagina and Wikimedia TN UG members. Afek reported as well that Mounir has stolen one of her ideas of Wiki University Clubs.

Side conversations took place containing gossiping, shouting on the phone and depreciation toward these members. It became an unhealthy environment to volunteer. It suddenly became a very contagious atmosphere where my teammates felt frustrated and affected in a way to have incidents within the core staff of Carthagina (when Mounir started reaching out to Issam Barhoumi and Samy Mlouhi).

I would like to thank Habib and Yamen who called the members to motivate them in several occasions showing a good model of leadership.

But this is not all. The complaint that I would like to hand to you as a Wikimedian, contains influencing voting. Several members confirmed that Mounir contacted them privately to ask them to vote for a specific person. The way that he acts as the owner of the every new members faith; X person can go to attend Y conference while Z person is not welcome to attend ...

May I remind you that this kind of behaviour made us lose one of the active and enthusiastic wikipedian few year ago (I’m talking here about Wael Ghabara).

I would like to also highlight that myself as well as other wikimedians, have concerns about the grants that Mounir is receiving without letting us know. I recall our Wikimedia TN meeting organised by Mounir himself in Sousse early March, when we all agreed that all grant requests should be known by the community and go through our unique fiscal sponsor CLibre.

From our side in Carthagina, for the first time in our history we activated our policy and decided unanimously to ban definitely Mounir Touzri from all our activities, projects and venue. We declare him as a "Persona non grata". This decision was taken based on our code of conduct and all our members, observer-members and board of trustees voted for it. This is the hardest decision, we took in Carthagina, especially that Mounir was considered part of our community and that he helped us in the WM-Carthagina events. But unfortunately, we cannot allow/accept this kind of behaviour from someone who's supposed to know our policy as well as the Wikimedia friendly space policy.

The Carthagina meeting minutes would be shared with Yamen and Habib and if you would like to hear more concerns from our team about the Wikimedia related issues, my team and I are happy to collaborate.

It saddens me to write this email but the situation needed an action to stop the abuse from growing bigger than it is.




Digital Manager - British Council Tunisia 

Affiliations Committee Member - Wikimedia Foundation  
Founder & President of Carthagina 


Habib M'henni
Wikimedia TN User Group
Habib M'henni

Envoyé de mon appareil Android avec Courriel K-9 Mail. Veuillez excuser ma brièveté.

Mounir Touzri
+216 29 774 346
Member Wikimedia TN user group