Des bonnes nouvelles pour notre groupe, nous comptons déjà deux membres dans l'AffCom :D
Bravo à Sami et Émna qui viennent d'être au comité.

Vous êtes une fièreté.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kirill Lokshin <>
Date: 2018-01-23 14:48 GMT+01:00
Subject: [Affiliates] New Affiliations Committee appointments
To: Wikimedia Mailing List <>, Wikimedia Movement Affiliates discussion list <>

Hi everyone,

I'm pleased to announce that Derick Ndimnain Alangi, Biplab Anand, and Sami Mlouhi have appointed to the Affiliations Committee as new members.  In addition, two incumbent members -- Maor Malul and Emna Mizouni -- have been re-appointed for an additional term.  Please join me in welcoming our new and returning members.

The committee extends its profound gratitude to Galileo Vidoni, who is stepping down after having served six years on the committee, and to everyone who participated in the recent selection process, whether by standing as a candidate or by providing feedback on the applications.

Kirill Lokshin
Chair, Affiliations Committee

Affiliates mailing list

Habib M'HENNI,
Enseignant universitaire, Tunisie