
Kolega z WMF navštívil detský WikiCamp v Arménsku a veľmi ho nadchol entuziazmus tých deciek. Chcel by im (z osobnej iniciatívy, nie ako človek z WMF) teda poslať malý darček - kompiláciu pozdravov od Wikimediánov z rôznych krajín v ich vlastnom jazyku? Kto by mal záujem nahrať seba ako hovorí "Pozdravujem z komunity slovenskej Wikipédie Arménsky WikiCamp" (alebo preformulované) nech tak spraví a pošle video Asafovi do 7 dní (nech ho stihne zostrihať a poslať deťom).

Majte sa!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Asaf Bartov <abartov@wikimedia.org>
Date: 2015-06-25 17:17 GMT+02:00
Subject: [WMCEE-l] Short video request
To: A list for Wikimedians from Central and Eastern Europe <wmcee-l@tools.wikimedia.pl>

Hello, all.

I have been visiting Armenia the last few days, and have attended a few days of Wikimedia Armenia's "Wikicamp" program (not to be confused with the Macedonian meeting of the same name).  This is an actual summer camp for kids (ages 9-20) combining intensive wiki training and contribution sessions.

I am quite impressed with the Armenian youth here -- their level of enthusiasm, motivation, and joy in the wiki. 

==my request==
I am inspired to make a little gift for the wikicampers, and the idea I've had is to make them a short video collage of brief greetings from Wikipedians from around the world, each in their own language.

If you (or someone from your community) is willing to record a quick video (no need for professional quality; something quick on your phone is fine :)) with the message: "Greetings from the <your language> Wikipedia community to the Armenian Wikicamp"  (in your language, but leaving WIKICAMP in English), and to send me the video (or upload somewhere; I'm not sure it's justified to take up space on Commons for this :)) within the coming 7 days (so that they get it while they're still in Wikicamp), that would be great.

If you don't like the idea or can't find the time, no worries. :)

needless to say, I am making this request in a personal capacity and just for fun.  This isn't a request on behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation.


    Asaf Bartov
    Wikimedia Foundation

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