Aké máte pripomienky a ďalšie návrhy? Radi uvítame niečo nové a inovatívne. Pre tých, ktorým navrhnúť prácu nestačí a radi by ju aj samy vykonali, predsedníctvo tu je pre podporu, či už ohľadom rád alebo financií.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Liam Wyatt <liamwyatt@gmail.com>Date: 2016-11-05 1:39 GMT+00:00
Subject: [europeana-wikimedia-projects] Re: Tentative proposal for 2017 edition - EuropeanaONE
To: Coordination list for the Europeana 280 Wikimedia Art History Challenge <
Dear all,
Following up on this thread from 2 months ago:
can say that we are certainly going ahead with this now and that we're
just trying to 'iron out' the details. I know that several Wikimedia
Chapters have already written this into their published annual plans, so
we have a critical mass to say that this is happening. This email is a
kind of 'pre-announcement' to hopefully get you interested and
Furthermore, I propose to change the
scope (and name) of this mailing list to be about this forthcoming
project and not only the 'Art History Challenge' which is concluded.
This does not mean the topic is restricted to writing articles about
battles: For example, a dozen places adopted Women's suffrage, some
national independences were declared and there were two Russian
revolutions - and that was just 1917!
*The format*. In a deliberate departure from previous wikimedia
'challenges', this one will not be about 'points', nor will it be about
individuals competing to do the most of a fixed activity. Instead,
participants will be any Wikimedia Affiliate (Chapter, Thematic org or
User Group) - and from anywhere ( not just those in the E.U.).
Furthermore, participation can take any form that the Affiliate wishes
and which fits with their skills/resources/interests - Diverse but valid
types of participation could include: Editathons with women's history
organisations about suffrage; public campaigning for Freedom of Panorama
of WWI Cemeteries; WikiExpeditions to take monument photos and improve
OpenStreetMap of the [ex] battlefront; Wikidata ingestions;
transcription parties...
Any affiliate can make several
actions too - the only restriction is that at least one activity from
each participating affiliate must be in collaboration with a Europeana
partner GLAM, or using a Europeana project (e.g. the 1914-18 website
2.1) The great flexibility of this is to encourage
*diversity, quality and innovation* of projects - in order to
demonstrate to the world what interesting kinds of re-use and community
engagement can happen when free-access to cultural heritage is made
possible. These will be the three criteria of the jury too.
also means that participating affiliates are very welcome to claim
their existing projects as part of this campaign too (as long as they
fit the theme), and because it's not a competition for points - joint
projects between affiliates is encouraged. For example, if two
affiliates are already planning writing challenges for early 2017,
supporting the translation of each other's articles relating to the
1914-18 theme would be a great, valid, collaboration for this project.
*The timeline*. I expect to formally 'launch' the project page on Meta
in mid-December and the qualifying activities themselves can take place
any time in the first half of 2017. That's six months to do as many
interesting and innovative activities as we can think of. I and other
Europeana staff will be willing and available to help support the
planning and execution of these activities along the way.
*The result*. Since this isn't about 'points' or about fulfilling a
specific pre-defined goal, what is actually being produced?
Participating Affiliates will undertake as many and various activities
as they wish, and at the end of the period, each will produce a
"portfolio" describing their actions, outcomes, and interesting results.
These reports will be compiled on Meta and judged by a expert jury. The
collection of these portfolios will be displayed in the Europeana
1914-18 website as a showcase of collaborative possibilities.
Practical questions:
What should this be called!? I have a feeling that "the Europeana
1914-18 challenge" sounds like we're declaring war... And I don't want
to call it a "competition" since I hope it will be more collaborative
than competitive. "EuropeanaONE" was just a placeholder name before the
theme was chosen (in order to differentiate from 280). Any suggestions?
What should the prizes be? It is difficult to offer a prize to an
organisation as a whole, especially since the Affiliate might not want
to be seen to 'take the credit' for the work of their local volunteers -
so what are the kinds of 'reward' that can be motivating and helpful?
For starters, I have already confirmed that the major prize will be a
scholarship to travel to attend the next Europeana conference and
present the winning activities.
Do you have any other questions or suggestions? Please write (on list, or privately)!
-Liam / Wittylama
Peace, love & metadata
Majte sa
KuboF Hromoslav (Michal Matúšov)