
Vďaka za podnety, ktoré som dostal súkromne!

Skompiloval som ich do našich želaní na https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_CEE_Meeting_2016/Needs#Slovakia

Ako vždy, vaše pripomienky sú stále vítané (aj verejne ;)

Majte sa
KuboF Hromoslav (Michal Matúšov)
Wikimedia SK

2016-05-20 1:15 GMT+02:00 Michal Matúšov <kubof@i-espero.info>:


Vytvoril som prvý náčrt odpovedí pre dotazník o WMSK. Prosím prečítajte si ho a povedzte čo si o ňom myslíte.

Valuable learnings:
(not) collaborating with cities

Copyvio Watchdog - tool to check and list possible copyvios

Low-cost project:
?? (minulý rok sme predstavili QRpédiu v meste, tento rok som to zaradil medzi Hodnotné skúsenosti)

Strengths (or what you are doing well):
financial donations from public
contacts with like-minded organisations and movements (and, in beginning, with national institutions)

Weaknesses (or what you could use help with):
small group, not enough volunteers for all projects or some big one again
communications and relations to public, to local communities and to members
bridging the existing online community with offline actitivies

human resources

Questions: ??

S pozdravom

Dňa 13.5.2016 0:57 používateľ "Michal Matúšov" <kubof@i-espero.info> napísal:


Aj tento rok je organizované wikimedické stretnutie strednej a východnej Európy (WM CEE Meeting / WM stretnutie SVE). WMSK sa na ňom zúčastňuje už tradične od 2013, kedy sme ho spoluorganizovali.

Aj tento rok je WMSK pozvaná na účasť. Aby bolo stretnutie čo možno najužitočnejšie pre podporu činnosti našich organizácií, boli sme požiadaní o poskytnutie informácií o veciach, v ktorých sa nám darí, v ktorých máme slabiny (a teda by sa zišlo sa na ne zamerať na stretnutí) a, dôležité, čo môžme ostatným účastníkom poskytnúť my ( https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wikimedia_CEE_Meeting_2016/Needs#Slovakia ).

Zajtra sa na tie témy pozriem podrobnejšie a pripravím návrhy. Tiež by som ale rád počul váš názor! V čom podľa vás WMSK vyniká a v čom má svoje slabiny?

Majte sa
KuboF Hromoslav (Michal Matúšov)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Saroyan
Date: 2016-05-04 20:18 GMT+02:00
Subject: [WMCEE-l] Wikimedia CEE Meeting 2016 updates
To: wmcee-l@tools.wikimedia.pl

Dear CEE community members,

As you probably know the Wikimedia CEE Meeting of 2016 is going to take place in Dilijan, Armenia on 26-29 August and will be hosted by Wikimedia Armenia. I'm happy to announce that we have almost completed the grant proposal and formed the organization team. This year we expect to offer 58 scholarships and have about 90 attendees in total. You can find more information about the meeting in the grant proposal or on the meta page. The grant proposal is still a draft for the community members to propose changes and make corrections. We'll submit the grant proposal in a week. Please have a look at it. We highly appreciate your input :-) 

There are also other updates that I'd like to share with you:
* We had a visit to Dilijan on 3rd May to confirm our agreements with the venue (UWC Dilijan) and the hotel (Dilijan Resort) and to arrange meeting rooms and catering.
* WM AM reached out its volunteers in order to form local CEE organization team and discuss organizational issues. A meeting was held on 30th April. The full list of 27 volunteers and their roles can be found on the grant page. 
* All CEE communities were invited to fill in the Questions and Needs page on meta. Thanks Nikola and Antanana for reaching out the communities! If you have not done it yet please take a moment and write your community needs. I promise it won't take long :-)

As the CEE meeting preparations are actively going on one of our communication team members will inform you  about news and updates on the meeting once in 2 weeks or more often, if necessary. 

David Saroyan,
Program Manager
Wikimedia Armenia

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