Hello, it's Hosmich again.
Sorry for misinformation. I checked official CoA of Hučko (http://reckokat.cz/exarchat/images/pictures/hucko-znak.gif) and it is not the same as Tomas.urban's upload (http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Biskup_Ladislav_Hu%C4%8Dko_CoA.jpg). The differences are in green tassels (Tomas used the same tassels as for other bishops).
PS: I would appreciate correct drawing of these CoAs:
The first CoA is traced and then regrouped, its redrawing would be usable as SVG template for Hirka, Babjak, ©áąik and Rusnák. The second CoA was drawn by me using template from Meniok. It would be usable as SVG template for Vasiµ.
My e-mail: h o s m i c h @ g m a i l . c o m