San Francisco Bay
Peace on Earth
Si se peude! - It can be done!
With your help we can do it!
Please Join the Campaign!
It's your last, best chancefor a 2011 tax-deductible donation and to become a"Founding 100" Member
in the World Peace Campaign.
Your contribution will help launch the formal, World Campaign in January 2012.
There aren't many chances to be one of people who helped save the world! Please join the CampaignWe can use all the help
At this critical 'moment' in the history of civilization, you can be part of the 'trimtab,' one of the first corps to help change
the course of history, toward a safe, hopeful and positive future for our children and children's children. Please help us widen the circle and ramp up the World Peace Campaign -- to gain adoption of the Time Out for Peace Plan,
by 1.1.2016.
Weappreciate any contribution you can afford to make. Thank you for your help.
Here are 3 ways you can help:
Donate/Become a member At whatever level you can afford, just Click the Link Below to Donate! ( )
Volunteer Sign Up for our email list and become an active part of the team. We can use help in a range of areas,-fundraising, graphics, technology, social media, research & writing, volunteer coordination... Click the Link Below to Sign Up! ( )Join/signupId:1425331/acctId:1412083 ( )
Enlist others Please forward this e-mail to friends who might want to join the Campaign or send them our website Link Below.
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Thank you for your generous contribution!
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About The World Peace Campaign
The Time Out for Peace Plan
Peace or...
As ambitious as our 2016 World Peace Campaign goal is, it still leaves only 14 years for the nations of the world to work together through the Time Out for Peace Plan, -- to change the current perilous course of modern civilization and solve the worlds most serious, imminent and converging threats, -- before a predicted 2030 Spike of converging global threats.
We believe that:
World Peace is possible and necessary. We have the greatest opportunity in history to achieve it. "Peace is the onlyWay" - to mobilize the funding and international collaboration necessary to solve our common global threats. Military Spending is the only pool of discretionary capital sufficient to meet those threats and, Only under the auspices of a long-term, global, peace agreement will the major military powers risk their military/political/economic positions to work together. Without a global peace agreement in the near future,such as the Time Out for Peace Plan, we risk an unprecedented global collapse in the next 10 - 40 years. Through the 50-year Time Out for Peace Plan, we can build a positive, hopeful future for our children and our children's children. The $2+Trillion of Global Military Spending (approximately half by the US) and the estimated $6 Trillion of additional Global Costs of War -- in deaths, damages and destruction, -- could be more wisely invested in creating a better world for today and tomorrow. Ending war, by establishing the World Peace Campaign/Time Out for Peace Plan, is the single best action we can take for all of humanity and our environment. Unless we put an end to war, war will put an end to us, and then all our other worthwhile efforts will be for nought.
Stop War, -- Start Peace, Progress, Productivity & Prosperity
Maybe we cant put an end to war forever, but maybe we can at least take a brief, 50-year Time-out from it.
The Time Out for Peace Plan (TOPP) is the only proposal currently being put forward for a viable, comprehensive and mutually beneficial peace agreement among the nations of the world. Whether you are concerned or not that our global problems are scaling faster than our ability to solve them, TOPP provides a better strategy to achieve a better future. It may well be our last best hope.
The World Peace Campaign (WPC) provides a pragmatic, multi-track strategy to achieve adoption of TOPP in what the military refers to as Fast Time.
Peace is not just possible, it is essential!
We hope you can and will help, -- both financially and as a member and volunteer to move the campaign forward.
This is our opportunity and responsibility to create a better world for future generations. It can be done. Together we will do it.
Our World needs Our Help Now.
Thank You for Your Contribution.
Peace to You in 2012!
The World Peace Campaign is a non-profit, 501 (c)(3) charitable corporation. Contributions are fully deductible to the full extent of the law.
We appreciate you forwarding this email to whoever you can.
Your donation can be made through our secure electronic process via "The Network for Good," or by check, via post to The World Peace Campaign, 1003B OReilly Avenue, The Presidio, San Francisco, CA, 94129.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call John OConnell at 415/652-8446.
We have only one small Planet & Peace is the only way to protect it. Connect the dots:
In 2030 -
8.2 billion people 300% of Sustainable Consumption $3 Trillion in Global Military Spending Weaponization of Space 47 Failed or Fragile States Growing Global Climate Crisis Diminishing Resources - Water, Farmland, Minerals... Extreme Poverty Economic Disparity 30% Species Extinction Convergent Global Threats
I think that people want peace so much that one of these days government had better get out of their way and let them have it. --
5 Star General, ( )
US President ( ),
Dwight Eisenhower ( )
Imagine a
Time Out for Peace
50 years without War. $500 Trillion in cumulative investment. Social & Economic Development. Increased Productivity Sustainable Progress Global Prosperity
We will find a vast future of Peace & opportunity, when we leave behind the shadow of war.
1003 B O'Reilly Ave The Presidio | San Francisco, CA 94129 US
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