I know you're all reading that subject line, thinking to yourselves "What the hell, a little early?" (Or, ya know, maybe that's just me).  Anyways, I received a mailing from the Maker people with a little flier and such, essentially "inviting" us back for 2010.  Not much in the way of information other than it is May 22 & 23 (weekend before Memorial day) and once again at the San Mateo County Event Center. 

For those that don't know: http://makerfaire.com/

For those that weren't involved last year (or have forgotten): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Meetup/San_Francisco/Maker_Faire

And because asking this group if anyone "wants" to go is silly... I jumped directly to: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Meetup/San_Francisco/Maker_Faire_2010


http://snowulf.com/ - Blog
http://snowulf.imagekind.com/ - Pictures
This has been a test of the emergency sig system.