Hello everybody!

I am excited to announce the 8th of the Bay Area WikiSalon series, which
several of us cooked up and have been coordinating. The last Wednesday
evening of every month (except December will be on the 21st), we
gather wiki enthusiasts to collaborate, mingle, and learn about new
projects and ideas. Every other month we plan a brief formal program. Some
programs will help orient those new to the wiki world, others will speak
more to experienced wiki editors. We are working hard not to make it a
total geekfest.

Our next event is, Wednesday, November 30 at 6pm, at the Wikimedia
Foundation lounge in downtown SF. See link below for full details and to RSVP:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Bay_Area_WikiSalon_November_2016 - Wayne Calhoon (and fellow organizers Ben Creasy, Pete Forsyth, Stephen LaPorte, and Juliet Barbara) P.S. Any help spreading the word is most welcome! We plan to post on various sites and invite various groups; if you'd like to join in, check our meta planning page, and feel free to note any you are inviting: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Monthly_WikiSalon_in_San_Francisco#Announcements_and_promotion