All: Just a reminder about our meeting tomorrow evening at 6pm at the Wikimedia Foundation offices (149 New Montgomery St., SF). Looks like we'll have a small group, which is just fine -- we're mainly just looking to kick around ideas for the WikiSalon series.

We do need a list of names for the building's front desk, and you'll need to bring a photo ID with you. If you plan to attend, please send me a confirmation by noon tomorrow. (You can mail me directly instead of the list.)

Happy editing,

On Sun, Mar 13, 2016 at 9:52 PM, Pete Forsyth <> wrote:

Several of us are working to set up a recurring monthly wiki meetup in San Francisco!

We're using the name "WikiSalon," which has been used by groups in NYC and Washington DC. There's a planning doc on Meta Wiki: (Some of you might be more familiar with the "Wiki Wednesday" name...same idea, more or less :)

We plan to get together the evening of Wednesday, March 30 to solidify plans. If you're interested in joining in to help plan, please join us! (We think this one will be a pretty small group, and we'll do a bigger announcement for the April WikiSalon.)

Looking forward to connecting with more of you in person!

Happy editing,