Hi Bay Area wikifolk!

Please join us for a "Wikipedia Barn Raising" event focusing on Open Educational Resources (OER). The Barn Raising will happen on Saturday July 19th, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Pacific Time, at the Oakland Impact Hub, at 2323 Broadway (near the 19th St. BART station). Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

Since 2012, we've been working to strengthen Wikipedia's coverage of OER and related topics. We've worked to build an international community around this goal at conferences, through our online "Writing Wikipedia Articles" (WIKISOO) course, and through the formation of WikiProject Open.

At the Barn Raising, we will focus on improving high-priority Wikipedia articles, and consider ways to strengthen WikiProject Open as a resource for staying connected, learning, and working together. We'll also welcome online participants from around the world, with collaboration tools and scheduled video check-ins.

Registration link:

Barn Raising registration form

Event page:

WikiProject Open Barn Raising

We hope to see you there, online or in person!

Best regards

Sara Frank Bristow

Pete Forsyth

Communicate OER/WikiProject Open

Communicate OER is funded by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation