For additional context regarding Nathan Schneider, some excerpts from a Wikipedia-related research publication of his (I understand he may also have done some more recent work that might be of specific interest to Wikimedians):'s_%22sophisticated_democracy%22_resists_the_%22implicit_feudalism%22_of_online_communities 
(e.g. "The feudal pattern has by and large been written into the default behaviors of online-community platforms. Exceptions like Wikipedia and Debian have required considerable, intentional effort to counteract the implicit feudalism of their tools’ defaults.")

Regards, Tilman

On Fri, Apr 26, 2024 at 9:52 PM emelinebrule <> wrote:
Hi everyone!

April's meetup was a lot of fun! Despite having to chase my toddler around I learned a lot about the Wiki chess community, we got a report from the AIxWikipedia hackathon, updates on automating Wikidata data entry and so many things about wasps and the local insects ecosystem.

Next one: May 16, 6.30-8.30pm (please RSVP if you can, it helps with logistics), 1736 18th street! Thursday nights seem to work well. We'll have snacks, pizza and warm drinks. We had a speaker in mind but she cannot make it after all, so I'm hoping someone from the community will want to give a lightning talk - or we'll get more time to work on our things.

On Saturday June 8, Nathan Schneider is coming for a talk about his new book on online governance at the Internet Archive. Some of you have expressed interest in meeting him (he's researched Wikipedia governance as part of his work on cooperative governance). He's suggested meeting earlier that day, if there's interest, or to attend the book talk. Let us know!

Emeline and Elan
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