Hi everyone!

The Art+Feminism editathon went great, and as planned, we're going back to monthly meetups!

This month we're trying to move back closer to the original Wikisalon closing by inviting all of you to come and do a lightning talk about your favorite Wikipedia thing/tool/project/issue/controversies - you name it. Next month hopefully we'll have a speaker! Any recommendation, please let us know. Then there's time to talk, work on your project, collaborate, etc. There'll also be help for beginners get started if you want to invite people who are interested but not yet active contributors.

The details:
April 18, 6.30-8.30pm
@ Sequoia Fabrica - 1736 18th street, San Francisco
Hybrid online at https://meet.google.com/ytu-cghy-qfo
We'll have some drinks and food (and please register to help with logistics!

Emeline and Elan