November Bay Area WikiSalon
Wednesday, November 29th | 6:00 - 8:30 PM
@ (the new) Wikimedia Foundation HQ | 120 Kearny Street, Suite 1600, San Francisco 94104 |  (Note the BIG change of venue!)

You are invited. We welcome curious people, newbie editors, or experienced editors. Invite a friend! 

Details &  RSVP here:

We are excited to announce the programming for the November edition of the Bay Area WikiSalon series and the development of a new flexible structure for future WikiSalons. There will be fun, socializing, learning, munching, announcements from the floor, and more. Read on and hope to see you there!


*Talk Page Theater*

Our November focus session will be talk pages. We will boldly explore them through *Talk Page Theater*, an experimental, interactive performance activity where we play out discussions on talk pages with dramatic fervor, exploring what happens when we translate written online discussion to verbal exchange, and sparking a discussion around Wiki discourse, truth, empathy, neutrality, and assumptions of good faith. We tested this in September, and it was fun!


*Updates on Bay Area WikiSalon series structure*

While the WikiSalon series as a concept emphasizes unstructured collaboration time, based on a strategy session in September [1] we are planning to introduce more structure in upcoming events as a means to improve attendees' experience and build a more solid community where newcomers and experienced editors alike can come together to learn, share, and grow from our varied knowledge bases and interests in the Wiki World.

This structure is oriented around thematic modules, where each meetup in the WikiSalon series will begin with an overview of a main area of Wikipedia of a thematic topic, followed a breakout session with a small group activity. The "overview" can take the form of a presentation, a panel, a performance, or other new forms we have yet to imagine.

Meanwhile, we will allocate a room/separate space for attendees to opt out of this structure and socialize or edit!

See you there. Cheers! Wayne Calhoon, on behalf of Bay Area WikiSalon, Niki, and Ben


[1] See September WikiSalon notes: