Hullo hullo all,

The Foundation is having a bit of a to-do for May 4th, stop by and say hi if you like :D 

Lisa, cc'd is collecting RSVPs this time, I'm just the (enthusiastic) messenger  ^_^


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Nadee Gunasena <>
Date: Mon, Apr 17, 2023 at 9:21 AM
Subject: Invite to Wikimedia Foundation offices for May 4th reception
To: Nadee Gunasena <>, Lisa Hiraide <>

Hi all,

We're going to be hosting another informal gathering at the Foundation offices in San Francisco on Thursday, May 4th from 4-6pm. Maryana, Selena and several of the Foundation leadership will be in town, and so we'll be gathering local staff and community members that would like to join. 

And yes - we are doing this on Star Wars Day and costumes are welcome :)

Please let me know if you're interested in attending so I and my colleague Lisa Hiraide (cc'd here) can add you to the list. And let me know if there are others who may like to join!

Nadee Gunasena 
Chief of Staff
Wikimedia Foundation

Nadee Gunasena
Chief of Staff
Wikimedia Foundation