We would like to invite you to a casual meetup for the Bay Area open knowledge community at the SF HQ of the Public Library of Science (PLOS) at 7PM on Thurs. June 6th. The meetup represents a collaboration between PLOS and the Open Knowledge Foundation with the goal of bringing together a variety of involved individuals and organizations to foster the open knowledge community and share ideas. The evening will include lightning talks and targeted discussion of open knowledge issues along with snacks and drinks!
We will include updates on California state legislation on Open Access - AB 609 by PLOS, as well as updates from OA at Berkeley by Angelica Tavella and Mitar Milutinovic http://oa.berkeley.edu
Scheduled lightning talks include:
We hope you will be able to attend! Please RSVP by Friday May 31st at our event page here: http://www.meetup.com/OpenKnowledgeFoundation/San-Francisco-CA/910932/. Snacks and beverages will be supplied.
Marina Kukso
Editorial Manager, PLOS Pathogens & PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases
1160 Battery Street, Suite 100, San Francisco, CA 94111
mkukso@plos.org I Main +1 415-624-1200 I Direct +1 415-624-1204 I Fax +1 415-546-4090
plospathogens.org I plosntds.org I Twitter: Pathogens NTDs I Blog: Speaking of Medicine