Hello Maker Faire crew,

Is there a quorum to apply for a Wikipedia booth again this year? 

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From: Maker Faire <makers@makerfaire.com>
Date: Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 11:53 PM
Subject: Maker Faire Bay Area 2014: Calling All Makers!
To: stephen.laporte@gmail.com

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Dear Maker,

The Call For Makers is open for Maker Faire Bay Area 2014. You are invited to submit an application for the 9th Annual Maker Faire Bay Area.

Calling All Makers!

Produced by the folks who bring you MAKE magazine, Maker Faire celebrates things people create themselves -- from rockets and robots, to DIY science and technology, to sustainable foods and upcycled clothes.

Maker Faire invites Makers to submit projects for this year’s 9th annual festival. At this flagship Maker Faire, we'll be selecting the best-in-class exhibits. Please take time with your entry and provide as many details as you can along with a photo, video and interactive exhibit plans.

Ensure you have a complete and detailed application by the February 23rd deadline. We are closing the application process sooner, so we can notify you earlier of your acceptance and give you more time to prepare. There are limited spots, and we want you to have one.

Saturday, May 17: 10am-8pm
Sunday, May 18: 10am-6pm

San Mateo Event Center
1346 Saratoga Drive, San Mateo, CA

How to Apply

Submit an entry form here that tells us about you and your project. There are four applications to choose from: Maker Exhibit, Performer, Presenter, and Sponsor.

If you do not yet have a Maker Profile, you will be prompted to register for an account before you gain access to the application. Your account registration is not your application. 

Entries can be submitted from individuals as well as from groups such as hobbyist clubs, schools and organizations. Please provide a short description and photograph or video of what you make and will actually bring to Maker Faire.

After your application has been submitted, you will receive a confirmation email with your Project Name in the subject. Please be sure you've gotten this. We'll send all notices to the email address included in your application.

We particularly encourage exhibits that are interactive and that highlight the process of making things. Check our website for ideas on topics and areas that we're looking for.

Call for Makers Application and Information can be found at the following link:

If you are an indy crafter, and your primary intent is to sell your products at Maker Faire, please apply to San Francisco Bazaar. SF Bazaar is an independently curated craft faire within Maker Faire. Apply to SF Bazaar here.

Enter early so we can reserve space for your exhibit.
Entry Close Date: Sunday, February 23, 2014 at 12 midnight PST

2013: What an amazing year!

100 faires around the globe and over 500,000 attendees. Read more.

Thank you for all of your support and participation!

We are looking forward to another great Maker Faire year and are excited to receive your application with information about your projects. If you have any questions, email makers@makerfaire.com.

If there are others in your community that you believe should be participating, please feel free to share this information with them.

Thank you for your support, and looking forward to seeing you at Maker Faire!



Sherry Huss
Vice President
Maker Media, Inc.
Maker Faire

See you at Maker Faire!

World Maker Faire New York 2013
Copyright © 2014 Maker Media, Inc., All rights reserved.
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1005 Gravenstein Highway North
Sebastopol, CA 95472

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