Based on input from the developers, Wes, and Dan, and others, here is a new proposal for a new slate of Search & Discovery vertical recurring meetings[1].

These changes really can't take full effect until the first week of June, due to the Hackathon and related travel. But hopefully we can agree on them now, and start to get them scheduled. After trying the new scheme out for a couple weeks, we'll have a retrospective so we can adjust as needed.

The days-of-week proposed here are not set in stone, but they seemed logical. They came out of an attempt to stack meetings (as requested by Nik and others), combined with a sense that Monday and Friday are not ideal days for certain types of meetings, plus a recognition that finding huge blocks of time on our schedules may be challenging.

Basically, if you are a developer, you'll have twice-weekly 15-minute sub-team standups, plus the weekly 25-minute full-vertical checkin. Every 2-4 weeks, you might be involved in a retrospective and/or showcase. That's a total of about 1 hour of meetings per week.

Dan and I crave meetings[2], so we'll enjoy about 6.5 hours per week. The "leads"  among you will have meeting loads somewhere in between those extremes.

Any concerns? Violent outbursts? Purrs of contentment?

[2] Not really, but we'll pretend we do

Kevin Smith
Agile Coach
Wikimedia Foundation

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