The problem, as we've gone back and forth about for a while on phabricator, is that labs has absolutely zero inbuilt infrastructure for analytics.
If things are in production they go through the frontend varnishes, which are hooked up to HDFS, and all is fine. We have the request logs. If things are in labs...nothing. There is no access to HDFS, there is no consistent varnish setup that pipes things there, and analytics engineering has pretty much no plans to set up that sort of infrastructure.
Right. What I am still missing is that HDFS, varnish, etc. are means to an end, end being delivering info (in this case, usage logs) somewhere, and then doing something. So I do not have right now clear picture of what is that somewhere/something, and what data it consumes in what form. Maybe if I would be more up to speed on this - or at least understood what inputs are required and which forms of these inputs are acceptable, I could have a better picture.