* CirrusSearch has "morelike:PageName", who knew?
Joaquin's nfity demo 's "Related pages" section calls the GettingStarted extension's gettingstartedgetpages API module [3] with gsgptaskname=morelike . This is implemented by GettingStarted/MoreLikePageSuggester.php... and it seems this just makes a search query for srsearch=morelike:Australia . Who knew Cirrus search had a "morelike:" keyword? It's not in the enwiki search help, but it is in the Cirrus search help [4].* I sense a developer article brewing, "Finding related content"AIUI, the Wikipedia mobile apps' "Read more" section just performs a full-text search (API [1] ) for the current page title (Android source [2]).
I'm not sure if there's any reason to interpose gettingstartedgetpages instead of querying search directly for morelike:pagetitle, it might cache stuff in Redis. The mobile apps might get better "Read more" suggestions using one of these.
There's also a srwhat=suggestion, I don't know if that helps getting related pages.
Cheers, hope this helps someone.I'll be updating with this, and it seems article-worthy.