Awesome analysis. Thanks!

Can you put together a quick breakdown of zero-results per-wiki, e.g. enwiki zero results rate is X%, dewiki zero results rate is Y%, before and after our changes? Would be great to have that for the presentation!


On 26 August 2015 at 17:21, Trey Jones <> wrote:
Hey everyone,

I've re-run my "big" wiki zero result rate numbers to see what has changed in the last month. The results are here:

Since I was only looking at the big 52 wikis (100K+ articles), the zero results rate is under 20% (good news), but it hasn't gone down in a month (bad news).

I looked very briefly at the full text zero results rate for the rest of the wikis for yesterday. That zero results rate was 56.6%! Lots of hits from wikidata and itwiki-things! There were some DOI queries, but none of the other usual suspects.


Trey Jones
Software Engineer, Discovery
Wikimedia Foundation

Wikimedia-search mailing list

Dan Garry
Lead Product Manager, Discovery
Wikimedia Foundation