Dear Wikimedian,
We wish to cordially remind you of an email sent by the undersigned on 2nd October 2018, inviting you to be an Ambassador of #1lib1ref 2019.
Your response is very important to us as we don’t want to leave any stone unturned. We kindly request a response either for an ‘Acceptance’ or a ‘Rejection’ by Monday 22nd October 2018. After this date we will consider a “no response” as an automatic rejection and move on with the current list of accepted invitees.
Thank you for all your support in past #1lib1ref campaigns and we hope to work more closely in the future!
--Felix NarteyGlobal Coordinator+233242844987 | +447452508504Skype:Flixtey
Dear Wikimedian!
This year our goal is to make #1Lib1Ref as inclusive and expansive as possible, and to ensure the participation of every affiliate and network partner involved in the movement.
To help achieve this, we are forming a Global Team that will be actively involved in shaping and advancing the 1Lib1Ref campaign in their respective regions, countries and (or) communities.
We are reaching out to you specifically, because of your immense contributions in the past and your ability to share with, support, and mentor others around you.
We invite you to join the #1Lib1Ref Global Team in the capacity of Ambassador. Ambassadors are crucial to our strategy for the campaign this year and they will contribute in the following ways:
Assist in collaboratively planning the 2019 campaign
Identify and encourage community organizers to lead local initiatives
Provide mentorship and support to volunteers who want to participate in the campaign
Disseminate information about the campaign far and wide
Provide feedback and report about campaigns events that happened around you
Invest about an hour a week in the months leading up to and during the campaign
1Lib1Ref 2019 is fast approaching and we can’t be more excited to work with you to make next year's campaign even more successful. Please respond to this email by October 10th to either accept or reject the invitation to support the growing cause of making Wikipedia even more reliable.
--Felix NarteyGlobal Coordinator+233242844987 | +447452508504Skype:Flixtey