Hello all,
I am happy to announce, chandigarh hackathon WCI2016, close with 7 application, which is useful to all community.
*1)* *WikiSpeak with native language :* (Hindi) (*Web Application* + *Android Mobile application*). *2)* *Edit Tamil Wiktionary **(Tamil community request)** :* - (*Android application*) *3)* *Audio file upload to WikiData (Punjabi community request) :* (*Android application*) *4) Wikipedia articles on google map :* find wikipedia articles on google map (with latitude and longitude) as per city. *5) OCR (Native Application) *: Convert scanned book copy to Indian language text with google doc (Tested for Hindi and Malayalam). *6) Communication platform[WebRTC] (Web Application)* : Community used this to talk or conference (Audio/video web conferencing application) *7) Notification (Event based)* : showing popup on event eg (If recent changes happen, It will show popup which article was updated)
Thank you all participant. who participate in hackathon and deliver a big success
*Note : I will share code, links and other details very shortly.*
Thank you Santosh Shingare @cherishsantosh