Dear Shani —

Was there an open call for submission for candidacy?

On 12 Jan 2017, at 18:30, Shani <> wrote:

Clarification after a question we got re membership - 
Voting for the board is open to any *member* of the WikiProject Med Foundation. 
In order to become a member (if you are not already), please fill out this form. Then vote via this form
After we verify your membership, your vote will be counted in. Votes of non-members will not be counted. 


On Thu, Jan 12, 2017 at 5:09 PM, Shani <> wrote:
Hello, WikiMed enthusiasts!

This is a gentle reminder that the voting process will end this coming Saturday, so if you haven't already, please vote!


On Thu, Jan 5, 2017 at 6:13 PM, Shani <> wrote:
​Dear WikiProject Med Foundation Members, 

It is time to elect a new board for the WPMEDF that will serve and advance our joint goals in the coming 2 years.  

This election, we have 12 candidates applying for 12 sits on the new board (listed below). As members of the WPMEDF and in compliance with our bylaws, we need your votes, accepting the 12 candidates as board members. This will allow the new (and eager!) board to officially start its term. 
Voting is enabled via this google form, which will remain available till Jan 14th 2017 @ midnight (whatever timezone you are in). Please note -- that your voting details are confidential and available only to the Membership Secretary, in order to verify votes' validity, as required by our bylaws.

Thank you in advance for your participation and contribution and wishing all of us a fruitful, active & exciting 2017!


Shani Evenstein 
Membership Secretary
WikiProject Med Foundation. 


List of candidates:

1) James Heilman - an ER doc, from Canada
2) Jacob F. de Wolff - an internal medicine doc, from the UK
3) Sydney Poore - a retired nurse, was the WiR at Cochrane, from the US
4) Carl Fredrik Sjoland - a medical student from Sweden 
5) Daniel Mietchen -  a researcher from Germany
6) Vinicius Siqueira - a young doctor from Brazil 
7) Doug is a retired teacher and SCUBA diver, from the UK
8) Jake Orlowitz - head of the WP Library Project at WMF, from the US
9) James Hare - WiR at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health; Secretary, WM-DC, from the US 
10) Emily Temple-Wood - a medical student, from the US
11) Subas Chandra Rout - a retired orthopedic surgeon, contributes mostly to Odia Wikipedia, from India 
12) Shani Evenstein - Medical Education specialist, lecturer at Sackler School of Medicine, TAU, from Israel

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