I am hoping to attend and would be happy to speak about Internet in a Box. I'm not clear on how long the sessions are and whether they are presentations or workshops or other.

Topics I am interested in:

DIY creation of IIAB and distribution
Customization of Content for Medical Users
Customization of Content for Education Users  
Identification of Additional Open Source Content that can be Scraped or otherwise Obtained  

I assume there will be brainstorming at the next board meeting.
BTW, I tried to attend the last board meeting, but never got connected, probably because I was in Oman.

On Wed, May 15, 2019 at 3:42 PM Shani Evenstein <shani.even@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear WikiMed enthusiasts, 

This is a gentle reminder that you have 2 more weeks left to submit sessions for Wikimania this year. I'm actually writing you as the "Space Leader" for both Education & Medicine, and would like to encourage you to submit to those spaces too, as some initiative may overlap. :)

The Education Space specifically will host sessions for these ovelaping topics, so please note that if you have an EDU & Medicine initiative, you are welcome to post it under the Education space.

We encourage all of you to consider UNESCO's SDGs while you post your submissions, and pay attention to different instructions for different spaces.

Here's a link to the Health Space submission page - https://wikimania.wikimedia.org/wiki/2019:Health
Here's a link to the Education Space submission page -
We look forward to your submissions and encourage you to share it far and wide to partners around the world. :)  


Shani Evenstein Sigalov
* Lecturer, Tel Aviv University.
* EdTech Innovation Strategist, NY/American Medical Program, Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University. 
* PhD Candidate, School of Education, Tel Aviv University. 
* Chief Editor, Project Ben-Yehuda
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