Thanks Abhishek for posting this on the mailing list!
Abhishek made me believe that this concept is nice and we can do something for it.
Later Mr. Sudhanwa encouraged us to go for it. There are others as well like Niraj, Yohan, Shantanoo and Nikhil who supported it and expressed interest in it.
What is the concept about: I would like to present it in problem - solution way.
Problem- Non availability of Ayurvdic Sanskrit texts (like Charak Samhita, Sushrut Samhita which are written 1000 BC hence no apparent issues of copyright) on Wikipedia / sister projects.
Solution- Making it available.
I have deliberately kept the discussion focused to a task otherwise there is possibility to get lost in it.
However, we would be grateful if readers can suggest other other ideas related to it. (Hint: Translation of these texts etc.)
Thanks and regards,
Yours sincerely,