Dear all,
I'll be at Wikimania this year and would be happy to help with this
session in the main program (had already signed up for it anyway). Not
sure I can make it to the Wiki Med meetup, as it is parallel to the
hackathon, but if it's spatially close, I might pop in for some
sessions. Harej is also listed as a presenter and knows Wikidata well.
In terms of using Wikidata for finding things based on symptoms, I
would be interested in gathering a list of such query types and
exploring whether we could demo that functionality in some way. What
comes to mind here is Scholia, a tool that embeds a series of Wikidata
queries on a given topic into a HTML page, e.g. as per . While this is
focused on properties related to scholarly articles, it would be
straightforward to build something similar for diseases, drugs or
Thanks and cheers from #WMCon,
On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 11:15 PM, James Heilman <> wrote:
> Tobias is the most active wikidata person working on medicine related stuff.
> Tobias you able to make it to Wikimania this year for the medicine day on
> Aug 10th?
> J
> On Tuesday, March 28, 2017, abdelwaheb turki <>
> wrote:
>> Dear Mr. and Ms.,
>> I thank you for your answer. The project is simple. As WikiData is free
>> and is easily available to everyone. We can use it to solve several medical
>> and clinical matters that already exist in medical institutions. In fact,
>> several researches like "Daouas, F., Abdelaziz, A. B., Ajmi, T. N., &
>> Mtiraoui, A. (2002). Les attitudes professionnelles humaines des médecins de
>> la région sanitaire de Sousse (Tunisie). Santé publique, 14(2), 135-145."
>> have reported that physicians who generally learn Medicine in French or in
>> English have difficulties in communicating with their illiterate patients
>> and in explaining them their health situations because physicians do not
>> know the synonyms of the medical terms they need to use in the local
>> language like Tunisian, Afrikaans or Hausa... Effectively, limited
>> literature have been written to solve this problem. However, in WikiData,
>> you can find the synonym of each disease in such underresourced languages.
>> Moreover, physicians can forget the name of a disease or a drug as they
>> learnt thousands of them in their Medicine career. There is no literature
>> that can be used to find the name of a disease by only knowing its symptoms
>> for example. However, using a SPARQL Wikidata query, you can find the name
>> of a given disease in any language you want by just entering its symptoms,
>> its genetic association or the name of its drug... Furthermore, WikiData can
>> be used to verify if there is an interaction between two drugs, a genetic
>> association of a disease and a genetic marker of a microbe as shown in
>> several studies. This is an overview about how WikiData can be currently
>> used for Medicine. I ask about your opinion of these facts.
>> Yours Sincerely,
>> Houcemeddine Turki
>> ________________________________
>> De : Wikimedia-Medicine <>
>> de la part de Diptanshu Das <>
>> Envoyé : mardi 28 mars 2017 07:50
>> À : Wiki Medicine discussion
>> Objet : Re: [Wiki-Medicine] Call for contributors to "Using WikiData in
>> Medicine" Wikimania proposal
>> Dear Mr. Turki
>> Your proposal sounds interesting. If my scholarship is approved, I could
>> participate. Could you enlighten me more on the topic?
>> Regards
>> Diptanshu
>> Please do not print this e-mail unless you really need to.
>> On 28 March 2017 at 09:55, Nancy Gertrudiz <>
>> wrote:
>>> Dear Houcemeddine,
>>> I am very interesting in your proposal, I am already working in medical
>>> school in Mexico.
>>> Best regards,
>>> 2017-03-27 10:12 GMT-06:00 abdelwaheb turki <>:
>>>> Dear Mr. or Ms.,
>>>> I have worked since 2016 about writing a comment to an excellent
>>>> research journal about how to use WikiData in Medicine. After months of
>>>> work, I found that there are many information to involve in such work and
>>>> that a comment to a research journal cannot involve such detailed
>>>> explanations. That is why I decided to do a Wikimania proposal about it. The
>>>> link to this proposal is
>>>> However, I cannot do this without having one or two excellent collaborators
>>>> who can ameliorate this proposal, write with me the proceedings paper and
>>>> edit the presentation for the conference. This contributor can even present
>>>> the work if my grant proposal is not accepted. So, I invite all the Wiki
>>>> Project Med users who want to collaborate to the work to add their name as
>>>> authors to the proposal and to adjust the Wikimania proposal. I will later
>>>> contact them to discuss about what should be done after the adjustment of
>>>> the Wikimania 2017 proposal.
>>>> Yours Sincerely,
>>>> Houcemeddine Turki
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> Wikimedia-Medicine mailing list
Wikimedia-Medicine Wiki Medicine discussion. This list is for the discussion of issues related to WikiProject Medicine Foundation, a thematic group dealing with ...
>>> --
>>> Nancy Gertrudiz
>>> of. (+52) 55 56945732
>>> mobile (+52) 5554192839
>>> t: @ngertrudiz
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Wikimedia-Medicine mailing list
Wikimedia-Medicine Wiki Medicine discussion. This list is for the discussion of issues related to WikiProject Medicine Foundation, a thematic group dealing with ...
> --
> James Heilman
> MD, CCFP-EM, Wikipedian
> The Wikipedia Open Textbook of Medicine
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