---------- رسالة مُعاد توجيهها ---------
من: Eric Luth <eric.luth@wikimedia.se>
التاريخ: ثلاثاء، 2 مارس، 2021 في 10:05
الموضوع: Re: WikiGap 2021
إلى: Eric Luth <eric.luth@wikimedia.se>
نسخة إلى: John Andersson <john.andersson@wikimedia.se>, Josefine Hellroth Larsson <josefine.hellroth.larsson@wikimedia.se>, Ariel Cetrone <ariel.cetrone@wikidc.org>

Hi, dear WikiGap organizers!

Now it's less than one week to International Women's Day. I see more and more events coming up, which is very exciting! A few last updates from my end.

We are launching WikiGap 2021 with a global kickoff event!
Wikimedia Sverige together with Wikimedia DC, the Swedish Embassy to the United States, and the Swedish Permanent Representation to the UN organize a virtual event to kickoff WikiGap 2021. Ariel Cetrone at Wikimedia DC will provide training on how to edit English Wikipedia with the visual editor, and the Swedish ambassadors will give a few opening remarks. After this, we will write articles on prominent women human rights defenders and innovators together! 

The event will take place on 8 March, at 14.00 London (UTC) time. 
  • Join yourself, or please help us extend the invitations further in your communities! 

We are innovating the WikiGap Challenge 2021.
From the feedback we received during last year's challenge, we have changed the points system, to make it simpler, fairer, and focused on contributions with good content. The challenge this year will in its current form ''only'' focus on Wikipedia. We will follow up with WikiGap Challenges specifically for Wikidata later during the year.

We know that many WikiGap organizers this year focus on challenges as well. Participants in regional or local challenges can, if they want to, add entries to these challenges to the WikiGap Challenge as well.

As always, feel free to reach out if you have any questions!

Eric Luth
Projektledare engagemang och påverkan | Project Manager, Involvement and Advocacy
Wikimedia Sverige
+46 (0) 765 55 50 95

Stöd fri kunskap, bli medlem i Wikimedia Sverige.
Läs mer på blimedlem.wikimedia.se

Den mån 22 feb. 2021 kl 11:18 skrev Eric Luth <eric.luth@wikimedia.se>:
Hi again,

A few further WikiGap updates!
  • We are launching the global campaign and the WikiGap Challenge with a virtual event on 8 March. Find out more on the page on Meta or in the Facebook eventRegister here if you would like to take part. If you know of people you think should join, feel free to forward the information! The event will among other things include an introduction on how to edit using visual editor on English Language Wikipedia. 
  • We have now published some guidance on how to organize a successful WikiGap event virtually. As with all things Wikip/median, it is not finished – and I would love to have your thoughts and input, either here or on the talk page. You find the guidance here.
  • We will run a WikiGap Challenge this year too, of course. We are also, with input from many previous attendees, re-doing the points system a bit. It is not fully established yet – so feel free to reach out with feedback and input also now.
Eric Luth
Projektledare engagemang och påverkan | Project Manager, Involvement and Advocacy
Wikimedia Sverige
+46 (0) 765 55 50 95

Stöd fri kunskap, bli medlem i Wikimedia Sverige.
Läs mer på blimedlem.wikimedia.se

Den tis 2 feb. 2021 kl 10:26 skrev Eric Luth <eric.luth@wikimedia.se>:
Hi again,

I hope that you have had a good start to the year, in spite of the pandemic! 

I wanted to give a brief update on the WikiGap planning for this year.

First, we just created a Facebook group. The idea is to use the group for quicker communication, sharing of ideas, and exchange between organizers in different parts of the world. Feel free to join if you like, or share the link with others who might be interested! It is of course not mandatory, and all other important information will go out via mail.

Secondly, we are preparing a set of guidelines and ideas for doing a great virtual WikiGap event, as many most likely will have to do that. We hope to be able to share these guidelines in the upcoming week or two. If you have ideas and input on what such guidelines should include, please reach out! 

Last, we have just started the planning with the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, meaning that those who reached out previously and asked for contacts to the embassies should get that very soon. If you also would need new contacts to your embassies – feel free to reach out!

Wish you a good week,
Eric Luth
Projektledare engagemang och påverkan | Project Manager, Involvement and Advocacy
Wikimedia Sverige
+46 (0) 765 55 50 95

Stöd fri kunskap, bli medlem i Wikimedia Sverige.
Läs mer på blimedlem.wikimedia.se

Den fre 18 dec. 2020 kl 16:58 skrev Eric Luth <eric.luth@wikimedia.se>:


2020 is slowly drawing to a close. When we have now summarized the WikiGap Campaign in 2020, we see that – in spite of the ongoing pandemic! – the campaign has gathered almost 1,500 editors, and recruited at least 250 new ones, to edit 19,000 articles and create almost 2,000 new ones about women! The almost 30,000 edits (!) have been viewed by just short than 45 million times in 2020 alone. Several affiliates have held their first events, and we are happy to see that more and more people and organizations are interested in joining the campaign. We are, as always, completely astonished by the work! Well done, all WikiGap organizers.

With this email, we also want to announce that we are beginning preparations for the WikiGap Campaign in 2021. The world looks nothing like what we are used to, and we will do our best as global coordinators to find a model that can work for both digital and physical events. 

If you already have good connections with the Swedish embassy and/or other local partners, it might be good to reach out soon after New Year! If you want help with new contacts, feel free to reach out to us! 

If you already have decided that are taking part next year, you can list your event here: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WikiGap/2021/Events 

We also plan to experiment a bit next year with international partnerships and new concepts for international coordination. We are among other things coordinating with several UN agencies and other international organizations. Stay tuned – we think this will be a great opportunity!

Otherwise, we wish you happy holidays, a Merry Christmas for those who celebrate, and a happy new year.


Eric Luth

Project Manager, Involvement and Advocacy
Wikimedia Sverige

This email is sent to previous organizers of the WikiGap Campaign. If the email should reach someone else instead, feel free to forward it or reply to us with the new contact person.

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