
Atvērta reģistrācija konferencei Berlīnē aprīlī. No Latvijas tajā ar apmaksātu dalību, ceļa un uzturēšanās izdevumiem iespējams piedalīties diviem pārstāvjiem.
Par to, kuri dalībnieki dosies, jāpaziņo līdz 15. janvārim. Lēmumu pieņemsim kopienas balsojumā.

Labā prakse būtu sūtīt vienu pieredzējušāku un vienu "jauniņo" konferenču apmeklējumu. Pie pieredzējušākiem pieskaitītu sevi, Treisiju, Greenzeb, Biafra un Feenu, kuri ir apmeklējuši katrs vienu starptautisku Wikimedia konferenci. Dalībniekam būtu jābūt angļu valodas zināšanām.

Konference notiek nedēļas nogalē, bet iespējams pieteikties uz vēl divām apmācību dienām (dažādos projektu vadības jautājumos, kas jums var noderēt arī profesionālajā jomā). Ja ir vēlme uzkavēties vēl kādu dienu Berlīnē, tad pašam jāapmaksā naktsmājas šai dienai.

Lūdzu apdomājiet šo iespēju, pārbaudiet datumus. Neskaidrību gadījumā jautājiet man.

Zemāk aprakstā papildu informācija.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Abraham Taherivand <>
Date: Tue, Nov 28, 2017 at 8:48 PM
Subject: [Affiliates] Wikimedia Conference: Join us in Berlin in April 2018!

Wikimedia Conference 2018  

Date: April 20 – April 22, 2018

Registration: November 29 – January 15, 2018

Dear Wikimedians,

It’s with great pleasure that I invite Wikimedia Affiliates, the WMF Board of Trustees and staff, the Affiliations Committee, and the Funds Dissemination Committee to the Wikimedia Conference 2018. The main conference will take place in Berlin from April 20 to 22, 2018.

Wikimedia Deutschland staff and board are looking forward to creating and hosting another event that contributes to the development of the Wikimedia Movement. We are hoping to see a diverse group of participants this year, and look forward to creating three days of working, thinking, and learning together. The event is made possible through the generous financial support of the Wikimedia Foundation.

As in the previous years, the program will be built along three thematic tracks:

Movement Strategy: The Wikimedia Conference will be one of the major forums for conversations about the future of the movement. Together, we will discuss how movement groups can implement Wikimedia’s new Strategic Direction “Service and Equity”, and how roles, responsibilities and resources can be shared across the movement.

Partnerships in the Wikimedia Movement: Based on the conversations at the last Wikimedia Conference, Wikimania, and regional Wikimedia conferences, we aim to continue to offer a space for conversations, experience sharing and learning around partnerships within and outside the Wikimedia movement.

Capacity Building & Learning: We will again host a track with sessions that are designed according to the participants’ needs, wishes and experiences as expressed during the registration process.

Registration will open on the 29th of November, 2017. Cornelius Kibelka, Program and Engagement Coordinator, and Daniela Gentner, Event Coordinator, will keep you updated about the program design and the logistics in the coming weeks and months.

On behalf of Wikimedia Deutschland, I am looking forward to welcoming many of you in Berlin in April.

Kind regards,


Executive Director

Wikimedia Deutschland e.V. | Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24 | 10963 Berlin 
Tel. (030) 219 158 26-0

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