Dear colleagues, 

My name is Bojan Cvetanović and I work at Wikimedia Serbia as Office Manager. 

I want to remind you that registration deadline for the Central and Eastern European Meeting 2019, which will happen in October in Belgrade, Serbia is July 20, 2019, 23:59:59 (CEST). I'm hoping that the discussions within your user group about who the delegates would be have already happened, and that people just need to register. :)

The registration link is here. Do not forget that we have reserved two scholarships for your user group. 

In other news, you might have heard that the submission deadline has been moved to August 10. Maybe this would be a good time to remind everyone that we want this and all other CEE events to be great learning experiences, so if you want to present achievements from your community, try to think of
We do have a few submissions already, but we need more, so that we can create a really good program for the conference. Even though the summer has begun, let's really try to make some creative and useful submissions, in order to fulfill the mission from the conference slogan: Broaden Your Capacity! :) You can find the instructions on how to submit a session here.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon! Please do not hesitate to ask me about any concerns you might have.


Bojan Cvetanović 
Office ManagerWikimedia Serbia
p: 011 3348 468 m: 060 74 54 775 a: Дечанска 4/3, Београд

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