Hello everyone,

Cross-posting here for now; only FYI.

If you are interested in volunteering, please stay tuned! I will send further information in about 2 weeks.

For this year, I am hoping to broaden our scope to encourage more participation by having separate awards for the best in select categories (landscapes, animals, etc).

More information to come!

Yours truly,


From: Wikilovesearth <wikilovesearth-bounces@lists.wikimedia.org> on behalf of Anton Protsiuk <anton.protsiuk@wikimedia.org.ua>
Sent: 01 February 2020 17:27
To: Wiki Loves Earth Photograph Competition <wikilovesearth@lists.wikimedia.org>
Subject: [Wikilovesearth] Wiki Loves Earth 2020: A First Call for Local Organizers
Dear colleagues,

The international team is pleased to announce Wiki Loves Earth 2020 — the 7th edition of Wiki Loves Earth international photo contest. As always, it will take place throughout May and June. 

This letter is a brief update for potential local organizers of WLE 2020.
(Just a quick reminder: Wiki Loves Earth is a federative contest which is coordinated by an international team but organized in each country by a dedicated local team, typically consisting of volunteers).

The international team will be providing more information about Wiki Loves Earth 2020 within the following weeks, but, overall, the structure of the contest has not changed. If you are familiar with the process, you can start adding your country to https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Wiki_Loves_Earth_2020/Participating_countries.

If you have not organized Wiki Loves Earth in your country before but are looking to organize one, please check our guide for local organizers (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Wiki_Loves_Earth_2020/Organise) and/or email us at wle-team@wikimedia.org.ua

An important thing which you should start thinking about now is financing your contest. If your organization does not have an annual budget with Wiki Loves Earth included, you might want to apply for a rapid grant from the Wikimedia Foundation to cover for the expenses of Wiki Loves Earth in your country (up to 2,000 USD).

In 2020, proposals for Wiki Loves Earth are accepted between March 1st and March 15th; it is strongly advised you submit one within this timeframe (though you can and should start planning it earlier).

Learn more at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Wiki_Loves_Earth_2020/Organise#Funding
We will try and provide more detailed instructions about preparing your grant application in February.

If you have any questions or need assistance, we would be glad to help
! Please email us at wle-team@wikimedia.org.ua

P.S. We sent out a feedback form to all local organizers of Wiki Loves Earth 2019. If you have not received a letter from us, please contact us so we can resend it :)

Best Regards
Anton Protsiuk
Project Manager at Wikimedia Ukraine, member of Wiki Loves Earth international organizing team