Hello all,

Please reach out to Srishti if you are interested in this.


Yours truly,


From: Krishna Chaitanya Velaga <kcvelaga@gmail.com>
Sent: 24 November 2020 11:48
To: Rehman Abubakr <rehman.wikimedia@live.com>
Cc: ssethi@wikimedia.org <ssethi@wikimedia.org>; Satdeep Gill <satdeepgill@gmail.com>; Jay prakash <0freerunning@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: Small wiki toolkits <> South Asia
Hi Rehman,

Yes, you can indeed forward to your user group and with anyone else whom you think might be interested.


On Sun, Nov 22, 2020 at 10:12 AM Rehman Abubakr <rehman.wikimedia@live.com> wrote:
Hi Srishti,

Thank you for your email.

This sounds quite interesting, but I'm afraid my hands are full at this moment. Is it alright if I forward this to our usergroup mailing list?

Yours truly,


From: Srishti Sethi <ssethi@wikimedia.org>
Sent: 20 November 2020 14:32
To: Rehman Abubakr <rehman.wikimedia@live.com>
Cc: Krishna Chaitanya Velaga <kcvelaga@gmail.com>; Satdeep Gill <satdeepgill@gmail.com>; Jay prakash <0freerunning@gmail.com>
Subject: Small wiki toolkits <> South Asia

Hello Rehman,

Greetings! I hope this email finds you well.

We are reaching out to seek your collaboration on Small wiki toolkits (SWT), a technical capacity building initiative for smaller language wikis. This initiative runs with support from the Wikimedia Foundation's Developer Advocacy team and volunteers.

As part of the Small wiki toolkits initiative, earlier this year, Indic-TechCom, in collaboration with WMF's Developer Advocacy team, designed and conducted a technical workshop series: "Small wiki toolkits - Indic workshop series 2020". Here is a detailed report on meta-wiki: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/SWT_Indic_Workshop_Series_2020/Report

Community members found these workshops super useful and helpful in developing their technical skills and their wiki communities' growth. So, we are now planning to continue running these workshops (one per month) and expand them to the Wikimedia communities in the South Asian region.

We are currently reaching out to various groups who may be potentially involved and you, especially as an experienced organizer. We would like like to hear from you:

  • How does the overall idea sound to you?

  • Would a format like the one for the Indic workshop series work for your community? What would you like to change?

  • Would you be interested in joining these efforts? It may be, on average, an hour every week of commitment, at max, three hours per week when most planning happens.

If you do not have the time to take this on, would you be willing to connect us with someone in your community who can provide input and be interested in joining?

Hoping to hear from you soon!


SWT Indic workshop series team

(Srishti, Krishna, Jayprakash & Satdeep)

Srishti Sethi
Senior Developer Advocate
Wikimedia Foundation